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Institutional Research Cores

Institutionally subsidized core labs are shared across departments and overseen by the Office of Research.



FY25 Price List

Core Brochure

iLab at UTHSC

iLab is a web-based system for academic shared resources that eases and speeds the process for equipment reservations, completing order requests, and billing core users.


Core Facilities Analysis and Activities Reports

Detailed reports of the financial stability, key accomplishments, and return on investment of our institutional core facilities. 

FY23 Institutional Core Reports

FY22 Institutional Core Reports



cores infographic

Common Questions

How do I acknowledge the UT Health Science Center institutional core facilities in my publications?

 Name the specific institutional research core facility used in the scope of your research, and clearly state how the core contributed to the research. For example, “All flow cytometry and flow sorting data were generated in the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting core (FCCS) at The UT Health Science Center with the assistance of Dr. Deidre Daria.”

NOTE:  The Molecular Resource Center (MRC) is supported by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission as a Center of Excellence. Acknowledgments should be written in this format: “All next-generation sequencing data were generated in the Molecular Resource Center of Excellence at The UT Health Science Center with the assistance of Dr. Daniel Johnson.”

When should core directors or core staff be included as authors on abstracts/publications?
Institutional research core lab personnel provide critical services to our community and offer a breadth of expertise in technologies and services that drive research progress. Core users should review the authorship guidelines from the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF).
When should core directors or core staff be included in the budget as investigators on proposals/grant applications?

When the shared resource is intellectually involved in the proposal experimental design, writing of the proposal, or will be expected to provide expert evaluation, troubleshooting or analysis of data generated in the core during the course of project, then the director or staff member should be included in the proposal’s budget, and the Office of Research included on the routing form in Cayuse. 

Note: Removal of institutional core lab personnel from awarded applications should be discussed in advance with the Office of Research. 

Jan 28, 2025