The Office of Sponsored Programs provides pre- and post-award services to the Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Nashville campuses. We work with faculty and administrators throughout the sponsored programs lifecycle, ensuring compliance with sponsor terms and conditions and any applicable terms and conditions, regulations, and laws. Our office is responsible for the proper stewardship of sponsored programs funding and related areas of research compliance including effort reporting and subrecipient monitoring.
Our mission is to provide helpful, timely, and accurate information and service to the UTHSC research community in support of their pursuit, acquisition, and management of of extramural funding.
The office is comprised of three teams: the Pre-Award Service Team, the Contract Negotiation Team, and the Post-Award Service Team.
Staff by Area
Brenda Murrell, MBA, CICA
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of Sponsored Programs
bmurrell@uthsc.edu | 901.448.4889 | Fax: 901.448.7775
Cynthia Williams, Assistant Director
cwill223@uthsc.edu | 901.448.5505
Glenda V. Ferguson, Business System Analyst
Princess A. Shotwell, Grants and Contracts Specialist
pshotwel@uthsc.edu | 901.448.2922
Kandis Caldwell, Grants and Contracts Specialist
kcaldw20@uthsc.edu | 901.448.2495
Teshundra Johnson, Admin Accounting Specialist
tjohn220@uthsc.edu | 901.448.9563a
Michelle Lester, Assistant Director
mlester@uthsc.edu | 901.448.2037
Shannon Guyot, Sponsored Programs Administrator
sguyot@uthsc.edu | 901.448.2870
April Suttles, MHSA, CAP, Sponsored Programs Administrator
asuttle2@uthsc.edu | 901.448.8680
Nathan Edwards, JD, Assistant Director
nedwar19@uthsc.edu | 901-448-2359
Kimberly Polk, JD, Research Contracts Administrator
kpolk7@uthsc.edu | 901.448.9820
Bethany Bork, JD, Research Contracts Administrator
Tony Rallings, Research Contracts Administrator
tralling@uthsc.edu | 901.448.5532
Cina Thomas, Assistant Director
cthoma72@uthsc.edu | 901.448.4732
Janet Jackson, Sponsored Program Analyst
jjack132@uthsc.edu | 901.448.2152
KaToria Smith, Sponsored Programs Analyst
ksmit463@uthsc.edu | 901-448-9894
Debra Wallace, Sponsored Program Analyst
dwalla31@uthsc.edu | 901.448.1668
Harry Green, Financial Coordinator
hgreen22@uthsc.edu | 901.448.9686
Alexandra Salter, Sponsored Program Analyst
asalter1@uthsc.edu | 901.448.4816
Yin Su, Sponsored Programs Analyst
ysu@uthsc.edu | 901.448.3710
Yolanda White, Sponsored Programs Analyst
ywhite2@uthsc.edu | 901-448-9563
Policies & Procedures Related to OSP