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Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting (FCCS)

The UTHSC Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory provides access to state-of-the-art analytical flow cytometry and cell sorting for UTHSC and Memphis area researchers. 

The instruments available are a BD Biosciences FACSAria Cell Sorter and a Propel/Bio-rad Yeti/ZE5 Flow Cytometer.

Molecular Sciences Building (858 Madison), Room 214
Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm

Schedule Lab for use or training:

To schedule training, use either of the flow cytometers, perform operator-assisted flow cytometry, or cell sorting via your iLab account. Researchers may choose to collect flow cytometry data themselves on the Yeti/ZE5. Only operator-assisted flow cytometry and cell sorting is accessible with the FACSAria. Users of the Yeti/ZE5 must first complete a two-hour training course with FCCS Core staff or provide documented evidence of training and complete familiarity with the relevant instrument's operation. Training, access to the flow cytometers, and scheduling for cell sorting or operator-assisted analysis requires an account number to which all charges may be submitted for payment.

Feb 10, 2025