Issue 51, November 18, 2022
UTHSC Information Technology Services generates this communication to educate and
inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities,
news, and events to help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care,
education, research, and community service.
AnyConnect Server Upgrade Towards the end of November, ITS will be upgrading AnyConnect, which connects UTHSC
devices to on-campus wired and wireless internet, as well as the VPN. We have developed
an implementation schedule by building to upgrade the AnyConnect service.
If you encounter connection issues, please get in touch with the Service Desk at 901.448.2222
or enter a TechConnect ticket.
We appreciate your patience as ITS works to enhance the quality of campus IT services.
Student Technology Resource Web Page Launch By: Jennifer Stewart, MPS – TLC Academic Technology Consultant
An online resource page is now available to all UTHSC students. TLC and ITS provide high-quality and user-friendly technology to support assessments, projects,
collaboration, and other learning needs.
Students are only one click away from accessing the below academic tools essential
for online and in-class formats.
- Adobe Creative Cloud – creative designs
- Blackboard – learning management and course support
- EndNote – reference management software
- Examplify – computerized testing software
- Flip – video discussion platform
- Lockdown Browser – assessment restriction
- Microsoft 365 – various Microsoft tools/apps
- MyMediaSite – video creation software
- NameCoach – audio recording software
- Poll Everywhere – real time polling activity
- *ProctorU – assessment proctor support
- Qualtrics – online survey tool
- StudyMate – Blackboard learning tool
- *YouTube – video software
- Zoom - video conferencing software
*Note – This software is not supported by UTHSC technology offices.
5 Things You Can Instantly Do Through Our TechConnect Portal -- NO WAITING! Have you tried TechConnect yet? Here are some things you can do instantly!
- Check for an outage (always listed on the homepage)
- Search for instructions on how to do 1,000 tech things (through our Knowledge Base)
- Submit a ticket (to get support)
- Check the status of your existing tickets
- See the hottest articles and services (always listed on the homepage)
Still have questions about TechConnect, support, or services? Our Service Desk is
available for questions at 901.448.2222. |
OneDrive Status Icons When using OneDrive, you may notice different status icons. Here is a handy reference
guide that tells you what each one means!
For example, have you ever seen a gray cloud icon like this? That means you are not signed up, or the OneDrive setup needs to be completed.
Learn what every icon means in our OneDrive Status Icons knowledge base article.
High-Performance Scientific Computing Cluster is Available The ISAAC Next Generation (ISAAC-NG) High Performance and Scientific Computing cluster
is online and ready for you and/or your workgroup’s use. All current ISAAC cluster
users have been given access to ISAAC-NG. All existing users can use the shared University
resources available in this cluster, including 3 petabytes of Lustre storage, 48 compute
nodes, and 4 GPU nodes. This cluster (ISAAC-NG) uses the SLURM scheduler and workload
We are excited to announce that the new ISAAC-NG HPSC cluster is ready for use by
you and/or your workgroup. On the ISAAC-NG HPSC cluster, researchers will have access
to 52 nodes of the University resources and 3 petabytes of storage, which are available
and shared among all ISAAC-NG users. Detailed information about the ISAAC resources
available (both University and private condos) is located on the HPSC website at https://oit.utk.edu/hpsc -> ISAAC-NG -> System Overview page.
We have introduced SLURM as the scheduler and workload manager for ISAAC-NG, unlike
the existing ISAAC Open Enclave cluster (ISAAC Legacy), which uses Torque/Moab, a
variant of PBS. Therefore, there will be a learning curve if you or your workgroup
are unfamiliar with SLURM.
To get started, please see the ISAAC-NG documentation, including the following:
To check the available software on ISAAC-NG, you can either review the Available Software page or login to ISAAC-NG and run the “module avail” command.
If you need to request a new account, project space, or software, please contact UTHSC
HPSC Liaison Akram Mohammed (amoham18@uthsc.edu). |
Microsoft has some excellent FREE training courses we recommend. As UTHSC faculty
or staff, you can access all Microsoft 365 apps listed. Students may not have access
to all these apps.
Get Started with Microsoft Excel In this training, you will learn to navigate the Excel ribbon, format workbooks, spreadsheets,
and cells, work with data, formulas, and functions, and explore display and print
options. Register
- Nov 21 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Nov 28 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Dec 02 - 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Get Started with Microsoft to Do In this training, you will learn to understand To Do use cases and integrations, configure
the To Do experience by reviewing settings, learn to use List as a smart daily planner,
make use of smart lists, learn to stay on track by setting steps, due dates, and reminders,
and organize and share task lists with others. Register
- Nov 21 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Nov 28 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Dec 05 - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Microsoft Outlook for Mobile More people are working jobs that require them to be away from their desks. You can
be remote and use your phone to check your email and stay in touch with your team.
Learn more about Microsoft Outlook for Mobile in this 20-second video. Also, check the video listing on the right for quick videos on how to do specific
things within Outlook for Mobile.
What is Smishing and How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones If you’re like most everyone with a personal device, you’ve seen a significant uptick
in the number of SMS messages, with too many not pertinent to your life. On occasion,
these could be wrong numbers that we can chalk up to honest mistakes or “fat fingers.”
But more frequently, these represent an increasingly common type of attack referred
to as smishing. To understand smishing, we must first understand SMS messaging.
SMS, more commonly known as texting, stands for Short Message Service and is a means
of sending short messages to mobile devices, to include cell phones and smart phones.
SMiShing is a type of social engineering phishing attack using SMS. Think of smishing
as a combination of phishing and SMS. Like phishing scams, smishing messages typically
include a threat, enticement, and even curiosity to click a link or call a number,
often with the goal of getting you to hand over sensitive information. Smishing attacks
can take many forms. Sometimes they can leverage the “wrong number” trick, pretending
to be from a real person who just texted the wrong number. Other reported smishing
are the too-good-to-be-true scams like “funds have been deposited into your account,
CLICK HERE to accept these funds”.
Help protect yourself and your personal information against SMS attacks with the following
quick tips:
- If you do not recognize the text or call number, do not click the link
- Resist responding to the text, even if the message requests that you "text STOP" to
end messages
- If a text is suspicious, just delete it and block the number
- Ensure your devices are updated to the latest software version and turn on automatic
updates if available