Issue 50, October 18, 2022
UTHSC Information Technology Services generates this communication to educate and
inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities,
news, and events to help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care,
education, research, and community service.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Every year, October is the month recognized as Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM)
where more emphasis is given to how we can be safer in our cyber presence and online.
This year's theme for UTHSC is "It's All Fun and Games Until It's Not". During the
month, the Office of Cybersecurity will offer different online games, a scavenger
hunt (online), and even a specialized Wordle game using cybersecurity words.
Remember to check the daily digest for links or see how the Cybersecurity Awareness Month webpage grows during the month. The Scavenger Hunt is already available to play. Check our
webpage for the link to start hunting. There are no prizes this year, except for the
prize of learning more about cybersecurity and how to keep yourself and your loved
ones safe.
Remember - SSO is the Way to Go (with Zoom, that is)! Everyone at UTHSC has a Zoom Pro account if you log in using the SSO option instead
of email/password, Apple, Google, or Facebook option.
Using the SSO Option
Click the SSO icon at the login screen, enter tennessee (if necessary), enter your
UTHSC NetID and password to log into our Central Authentication Service (CAS), and
enjoy all the benefits of a Zoom Pro account!

Checking How You Logged In
If you have Zoom open, click your profile in the upper right corner. If you see an
email address with anything OTHER than @tennessee.edu, you aren’t logged in to a Zoom
account. Also, if you are logged into a UT system Zoom account, it will say LICENSED
at the top instead of BASIC.
Having questions about using Zoom? Contact our ITS Service Desk at 901.448.2222 or
check out the Zoom knowledge base category. |
TechConnect's One-Year Celebration 
On September 14, we held a one-year celebration of TechConnect, your source for technology
services and information, in the Madison Plaza.
We had a lot of faculty, staff, and students stop by for demos, conversation, and
If you missed this fun event, you could still learn more about TechConnect by calling
our Service Desk at 901.448.2222. |
ArcGIS from ESRI ESRI’s ArcGIS is an integrated suite of software products used for mapping / visualizing data,
collecting geographic data, and spatial reasoning. Spatial analytics and 3D modeling
features are also integrated into ESRI products. The ArcGIS platform includes desktop
software, Software as a Service (Saas), and ESRI plug-ins and mobile apps
The UT ArcGIS Online portal (AGOL) is a collaborative, cloud-based platform that allows members to use, create,
and share maps, apps, and data. Through AGOL, you get access to a secure cloud where
you can manage, create, and store data as published map layers. Instructions to log
into the UTK ArcGIS Online Portal are on our software distribution site. Information on all additional ESRI plug-ins and apps is available on the company’s apps page.
Learn more, including how to download for Windows. |
Microsoft has some excellent FREE training courses we recommend. As UTHSC faculty
or staff, you can access all Microsoft 365 apps listed. Students may not have access
to all these apps.
Tips, Shortcuts, and What’s New with Microsoft Teams Learn tips and shortcuts for Microsoft Teams that will help you become a power user,
able to expedite navigation, and efficiently use Teams for collaboration and workflow.
Discover what’s new and find expert direction on the latest features. Register
- Oct 20 - 8:00 am - 9:00 am
- Oct 25 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Get Started with Microsoft PowerPoint In this training, you will learn to navigate the PowerPoint interface and view available
options, learn to design presentations using helpful tools, bring slides to life with
transitions and animations, learn to collaborate with others during the editing process,
and utilize helpful tools for presenting. Register
- Oct 20 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
- Oct 25 - 9:00 am - 10:00 am
10 Best Excel Tips for Beginners If you are new to Excel, check out this fabulous 14-minute video from Teacher's Tech. Even if you have been using Excel for years, you might learn something new!

Outlook’s Delay Delivery/Send Later Option Does remote work have you working non-traditional hours, and you wish you could schedule
something to send in the morning instead of 10 pm? Do you want to write something
today, but want to have it sent in a few days? Outlook makes that possible with the
Delay Delivery/Send Later option!
Windows Users:
- Draft an email as usual.
- Click the Options menu.
- Click Delay Delivery on the Outlook Ribbon.
- Under Delivery Options, choose your desired date and time.
- Click Close.
- Click Send.
The email is now in your Outbox folder. You can edit the Send options by double-clicking
the email in your Outbox folder, clicking Options, clicking Delay Delivery, and changing
the date/time if you do it before the time you specified the email be sent.
Mac Users:
- Draft an email as usual.
- Click the down arrow on the Send icon.
- Choose Send Later.
- Choose your desired date and time.
- Click Send.
The email is now in your Drafts folder. You can edit the Send options by selecting
the email in your Draft folder, clicking Cancel Send, then Yes if you do it before
the time you specified the email to be sent. This opens the email so you can send
it immediately or choose a new date/time. |
Tricking Consumers – How Scammers Are Getting More Sophisticated The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has detailed in a new report, Bringing Dark Patterns to Light, a disturbing trend that has cybercriminals manipulating consumers into buying products
and services, or giving away their personal information. How are they doing it? Let’s
look at three separate schemes.
Misleading Consumers and Disguising Ads – the biggest dark pattern the FTC has seen is disguising advertisements to look
like independent, mostly editorial content. This makes it difficult for consumers
to cancel subscriptions or charges, hiding key terms in a lot of legalizing or tricking
consumers into sharing their data. For example, a social media post about the Top
10 Reviews of a certain product category. There may be no real analysis or study,
but a pay-for-play deal to get certain products on that list.
Making it difficult to cancel subscriptions or charges – this subset to the scheme above, consumers may not know they are signing up for
a monthly or quarterly subscription. Based on the fine print, these recurring charges
may be hard to stop.
Tricking consumers into sharing data – always check your privacy settings! Some ads or web content consumers sign up to
get may have misleading privacy statements that will allow the scammer to collect
and sell information to a third party, completely legal.
Continue to be cautious with any online purchases or communications. Always verify
email addresses, phone numbers, and websites to make sure you are being directed to
the place you want to go. |