| Page, Audrey | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Patterson, Amy Law | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Padgett, Alan | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pallera, Arnel M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Parker, Autry J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Partal, Andreea | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Anand Govid | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Anami R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Pathak, Aradhana | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Patterson, Anthony L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Urology | Professor |
| Perry, Alicia | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pierce, Andy | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Potts, Amy | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Prophete, Adeline | College of Dentistry | Endodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Parham, Barbara Lacom | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Instructor |
| Parker, Brett A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Paruchuri, Bindusri | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Bhumin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Paulus, Basil Mantas | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pearman, Bradley L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Pendley, Bradford Dan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Peters, Brian | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Professor |
| Phillips, Barry B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Professor |
| Pollard, Bradley R. | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Parker, Catherine | College of Dentistry | Dental Hygiene | Clinical Instructor |
| Peeler, Chelsea N. | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Instructor |
| Page, Casey J | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Parganas, Christopher | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Instructor |
| Park, Christy Chung-hae | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Parker-rajewski, Chris | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Payne, Tori | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Instructor |
| Pearman, Cynthia M | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Pearson, Christian St | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Polin, Carrie Monica | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Clinical Assistant Profes |
| Poole, Christopher V | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Popescu, Carmen | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Pourciau, Crystal | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Associate Professor |
| Powell, Creighton Deshawn | College of Dentistry | Pediatric Dentistry-Community Oral Hlth | Assistant Professor |
| Prater, Christopher D | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Probst, Christian Patrick | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Provenza, Christian | College of Medicine - Memphis | Emergency Medicine | Instructor |
| Pui, Ching-hon | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Professor |
| Patterson, Carrie Elizabe | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pace, Diane Todd | College of Nursing | Nursing-Academic Affairs | Adjunct-Professor |
| Pappano, Dante | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Patel, Dharmendra A. | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Pattanaik, Debendra | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Rheumatology | Professor |
| Patterson, Nick | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Paulauskas, Dovile | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Peeler, David W | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pencarinha, David M | College of Dentistry | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Pepperman, David Alan | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Perkel, David Alan | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Perry, David Allen | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Petcu, David J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Petersen, David W | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medical Library | Associate Professor |
| Phillips, Damilola Da | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pillus, David Joseph | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Powell, Daniel Knight | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Powell, Douglas Winston | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Prentice, Deseree | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pearce, Douglas James | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Paiml, Liz | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Child Development | Assistant Professor |
| Paek, Eun Jin | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech Pathology | Associate Professor |
| Paton, Elizabeth A. | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Associate Professor |
| Pearlman, Eugene Stan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Peterson, Edward Andr | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Pivnick, Eniko K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Genetics | Professor |
| Proctor, Evanna Salone | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Purevjav, Enkhe | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Professor |
| Plyler, Erin Lee | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech Center | Clinical Professor |
| Park, Frank | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Pelz, Frederick | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Palmer, Glen Edwin | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Professor |
| Paprocki, Gregory J. | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Passons, Gary A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Assistant Professor |
| Peeler, George H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Phelps, Gregory L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Clinical Asscociate Pr |
| Putney, Geoffrey | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pierce, Holly Hilsenb | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Parfenova, Helena | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physiology | Professor |
| Patel, Haren Dilip | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Haresh D | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Harry V | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Heather Nic | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pisharath, Harshan | College Grad Health Sciences | Comparative Medicine | Adjunct Asst Professor |
| Pokharna, Hiren | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Page, Jacque | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Professor |
| Page, John | College of Dentistry | Pediatric Dentistry-Community Oral Hlth | Assistant Professor |
| Pal, Jayati | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds General | Assistant Professor |
| Pandit, Joseph Vasant | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Panetta, Carl | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Assistant Professor |
| Pardue, Jeanann | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Parham, Jon S | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Parker, Joseph Patric | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Park, Julie Ruggieri | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Professor |
| Parkinson, Joe | College of Dentistry | Admin College of Dentistry | Associate Professor & Int |
| Parnell, Jenny Lynn | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Partridge, Janet | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Associate Professor |
| Patel, Jay Narendra | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patrick, Joseph P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patterson, James O | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Patterson, Dr. James | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Patton, Jessica | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pauley, Jennifer L | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Payne, James A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Peeden, Joe | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Peeke, Jeffrey Wilson | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Assistant Professor And C |
| Peng, Junmin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Professor |
| Peng, Jamy C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Perkerson, Jace Marshall | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Perry, Jamie Dale | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Peterson, Jeffrey | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Phebus, Jeffrey G | College of Dentistry | Endodontics | Professor & Director |
| Phillips, Jordan Eliz | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, John K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pierce, Mark | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Pietrangelo, Joey | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Instructor |
| Pinnaka, Jyothi Rao | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Pitt, Lindsey | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Poliner, James K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Porter, Jolie Garcia | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Porter, Joshua A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Instructor |
| Powell, Jonathan Mich | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Presley, Joe | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Price, Jamie L | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Prins, Pjotr | College of Medicine - Memphis | Genetics, Genomics & Informatics | Associate Professor |
| Pritchett, Jason Mich | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pueschel, Jordan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Pumilia, Nick | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Purkey, Janet L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Purvis, John H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neonatology | Associate Professor |
| Parker, Joanne Pascar | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Katherine | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Parsha, Kaushik Niran | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Parthasarathi, Kaushik | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physiology | Associate Professor |
| Patterson, Kyle S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Pearson, Kylie Rae | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Petroni, Kenneth Char | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Philyaw, Kathy C. | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Instructor |
| Pittman, Kenneth Grah | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Parsa, Laxmi Babu | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Parvey, Louis S. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Patton., Lance | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Assistant Professor |
| Pendergrass, Landon | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Perkins, Laurie E | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pfeffer, Lawrence M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Professor |
| Pickup, Leigh Anne | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Associate Professor |
| Piercey, Lisa | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Pignata, Laura | College of Medicine - Memphis | Genetics, Genomics & Informatics | Visiting Scholar |
| Perkins, Melanie G | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor |
| Paquette, Maxime Robert | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Assistant Professor |
| Parsi, Mansour A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Gastroenterology | Professor |
| Patel, Mohanlal L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Instructor |
| Patel, Mayur B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Payne, Melvin Pelleti | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - General Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Peacock, Mark Darrin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Perkins, Matthew Lane | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Peters, Mark T | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Matthew Kyl | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Matthew Ric | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Melissa S | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Pi, Min | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Associate Professor |
| Pickett, Michele Albu | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Pierce, Mark Christop | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Podraza, Michael Adam | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Polin, Michael Robert | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Pourcyrous, Massroor | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neonatology | Professor |
| Puchowicz, Michelle A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Professor |
| Pullias, Mitch | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Megan | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Asistant Professor |
| Perry, Melaina Kaysie | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Parashar, Nirbhay | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Peacock, Nancy Walker | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Piel, Nathaniel Robert | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Pitiyanuvath, Nataria | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Prasanna, Nivedita | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Phillips, Owen P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor |
| Panovec, Parker K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Pape, Puja Toprani | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Park, Paul | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Professor |
| Pasarilla, Paul Micha | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Purvisha Jitendra | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Assistant Professor |
| Petruzzi Jr, Peter Tobias | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pham, Phuong-anh Thi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Plant, Parker Daniel | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Platzer, Patrick H | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Plyler, Patrick Norton | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech Pathology | Professor And Assistant D |
| Prasad, Preeti | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Puri, Poonam | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Pushpanshu, Pushpanshu | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Pendley, Joseph Raymo | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Page, Rob | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Pathology | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Pandya-lipman, Rashmi K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Assistant Professor |
| Parker, Robert B | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Professor |
| Patel, Ruchi Atul | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Hospitalist | Assistant Professor |
| Patil, Rashmi | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Patterson, Rushton E | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Patton, Ruth Cheney | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pearman, Ryan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pearson, Hunter | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Philip, Ranjit Raju | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Associate Professor |
| Phinehas, Ramona Cristabel | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Pickens, Ryan Baird | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Urology | Assistant Professor |
| Pickett, Robert Andre | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pillai, Rekha | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Prince, Randy | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Pruitt, Ronald Edward | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Perkins, Rachel S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Pitts, Stefanie Leigh | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Patterson, Shanise D | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pakkala, Sailesh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pape, Stephen Gregory | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Parikh, Salil | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Parkerson, Sarah | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pate, Steven | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Payton, Stephanie A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Hospitalist | Assistant Professor |
| Peel, Shelby Anne | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Peete, Sharonda Lynet | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Perales Sanchez, Selene Griselda | College of Dentistry | Bioscience Research | Assistant Professor |
| Peravali, Silpa | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Perkins, Stephen Lee | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Peterson, Steve | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Phelps, Stephanie J | College of Pharmacy | Admin College of Pharmacy | Professor Emeritus |
| Pinto, Soniya Naomi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pishko, Stephen Darryl | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds General | Associate Professor |
| Polavarapu, Sruthi Ra | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pope, Stan L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Porter, Samuel Glenn | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Portera, Greg | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Price, Sylvia A | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Professor Emeritus |
| Pulusani, Srinidhi R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Assistant Professor |
| Panella, Timothy J | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Patel, Tejal Mayur | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Infectious Diseases | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Tejesh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Professor And Chair |
| Patterson, Tom | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Paul, Timir Kumar | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Professor |
| Pela, Tarebiye | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Ponnusamy, Thamarai U | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Pourmotabbed, Tayebeh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor |
| Pande, Vijay Shridhar | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Patel, Vikram P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Pennington, Vernon Charles | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Porter, Vickie | College of Nursing | Community & Population Health | Assistant Professor |
| Poteet, Victor Ashley | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Pritchett, Valerie R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Pulusani, Vaishnavi R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Rheumatology | Assistant Professor |
| Pigg, Vanessa | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Parker, William Jason | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Parris, William G | College of Dentistry | Orthodontics | Associate Professor |
| Penley, William Charl | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Pitts, Wesley M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Associate Professor |
| Polk, William H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Powell, Bill | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Dentistry | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Powers, Bill | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Patel, Surilkumar K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |