| Kahloon, Arslan A. | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Kang, Audrey Hyun Duk | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kapnick, Amber M | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech Center | Instructor Occupational T |
| Karydis, Anastasios | College of Dentistry | Periodontology | Associate Professor & Dir |
| Kassira, Anne | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Kattine, Albert A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Katwal, Arabindra Bah | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kazmi, Asif Saeed | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Assistant Professor |
| Kerwin, Andy | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Trauma/Surgical Critical Care | Professor |
| Kesari, Aditi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Keswani, Amit Nilam | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Khan, Ajmal A | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Khan, Asma Sohail | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Instructor |
| Khan, Asma | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Instructor |
| Khandekar, Alim | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - General Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kim, Andres Jee Soo | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| King, Adam Brian | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kodani, Andrew T | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Assistant Professor |
| Koffron, Alan | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Professor |
| Kolarik, Anicka Kathr | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Kraus, Alfred P Jr | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Associate Professor |
| Kruglov, Alex | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Instructor |
| Kumar, Aneel | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Kuperman, Aaron B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kyzer, Annette E. A. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kumar, Alok | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Klar, Briana | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Hearing & Speech Center | Instructor |
| Kashlan, Bader Nizar | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Kaur, Berneet | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Keisling, Bruce L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds CDD | Professor |
| Kellogg, Benjamin Edward | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Knowles, Britton Davi | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Krishnaiah, Balaji | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Kim, Christy | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kutz, Caitlin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Hospitalist | Assistant Professor |
| Kaeser, Carson | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Kalsi, Carle C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Kaplan, Cameron M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Preventive Medicine - Preventive Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kimbrell, Connor Will | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Instructor |
| Kirkland, Carla Sue | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Instructor |
| Knight, Christopher | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Knott-craig, Chris | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery | Professor |
| Koch, Christian A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Endocrinology | Professor |
| Koontz, Curtis S | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Kovesdy, Csaba Pal | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Professor |
| Kuscu, Canan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Transplant Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kuscu, Cem | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Transplant Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kaiser, Daniel W | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kayal, Daniel P. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Kelly, Derek | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Professor |
| Kimura, Dai | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Critical Care | Professor |
| Kiner, Dirk W | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Orthopaedic Surgery | Professor |
| Kirson, Dean | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pharmacology, Addiction Science, and Toxicology | Assistant Professor |
| Koons, Donald C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kooper, Diana C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kruchevsky, Dani | College of Medicine - Memphis | Plastic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kyle, Daniel Dean | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kanner, Elliott M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Assistant Professor |
| Kaye, Erica | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Kim, Edward D | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Urology | Professor |
| Klouda, Elisabeth B. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Krynetski, Evgueni Y | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Kiphut, Faith N | College of Health Professions | Physical Therapy | Instructor |
| Klipple, Gary L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Kraus, Gordon J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Instructor |
| Krenciute, Giedre | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Assistant Professor |
| Kenney, Hai Hoang | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Instructor |
| Khalatbari, Hedieh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Associate Professor |
| King, Heather Cuniff | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Kita, Hitoshi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Professor Emeritus |
| Kim, Il Hwan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Associate Professor |
| Kornblau, Ilyse Saman | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Instructor |
| Kinzy, Judith D | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Kahane, Joel C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Otolaryngology Head-Neck Surgery | Assoc Professor |
| Kalmowicz, Jeffrey A | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Associate Professor |
| Kaminski, Joseph Mich | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiation Oncology | Assoc Professor |
| Karam, Jyotheen S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Katz, Joshua Adam | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - General Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Katze, Jon R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor Emeritus |
| Kaufman, Joan Arlene | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiation Oncology | Asst Professor |
| Kauppi, Jeffrey D | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Clinical Instructor |
| Keenan, Jeffrey A | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor |
| Keller, Jason Douglas | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kelly, Jayna M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kerlan, Jeffrey Eliot | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kerrigan, Jimmy Lee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Killeffer, James Alexander | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Associate Professor |
| King, Jim | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Kipikasa, Joseph | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Klco, Jeffery Michael | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Koerten, James Michae | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Koffron, Julie | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kramer, Jennifer | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kravitz, Jared | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Kronenberg, Joel I. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Instructor |
| Krushinski Iii, Joseph H | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Karki, Karan B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Keller, Kimberly Rose | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kelly, Kimberly M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Preventive Medicine - Preventive Medicine | Professor |
| Kennel, Kimberly | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Assistant Professor |
| Kilgore, Kim | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kim, Ki-suk | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kimball, Kristopher James | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Klauer, Kevin | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Klemann, Kylie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kleppe, Kyle Lee | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Knapp, Katherine Marie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Kodweis, Karl R | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kokko, Kenneth | College of Medicine | Chat Clinical Medical Education | Professor |
| Kothari, Khyati N | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor |
| Kumar, Santosh | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Krushinski, Kelsey Tiemann | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| King, Lauren Cooper | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Associate Professor |
| Keith, Lindsay | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kilgore, Larry Clinton | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor And Chair |
| Kimmons, Lauren Ann | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Asistant Professor |
| King, Lonnie | College of Medicine | Chat Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Knox, Luke A | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Asistant Professor |
| Kamal, Mahwash | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Assistant Professor |
| Kapperman, Mark Randa | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Karlstad, Michael D | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Keegan, Leigh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Kern, Michael | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Khan, Muneeza | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Assoc Professor & Chair |
| Khan, Mohammad Moshahid | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Khan, Mohammed | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Killian, Mary Elaine | College of Medicine - Memphis | Urology | Assistant Professor |
| Kitson, Michelle Dawn | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Kleinman, Michael Sco | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Klumpe, Marynelle Joh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Knauth, Michael Alan | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Koenig, Mark | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Koplon, Michael | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kreth, Matthew A. | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Kundu, Mondira | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Associate Professor |
| Kurosu, Michio | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Katragunta, Neelima | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Kerr, Natalie C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Professor |
| Khan, Nick | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Assistant Professor |
| Khosla, Nitin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Assistant Professor |
| Kothari, Nirmit | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kubinec, Nicole Renee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Kapadia, Pratik P | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Khanna, Pallavi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Klimo, Paul | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Professor |
| Klingborg, Paige | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Koltnow, Paul J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Assistant Professor |
| Koo, Patrick | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Associate Professor & Dir |
| Kvamme, Peter | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Associate Professor |
| Kisang, Queenter Mafo | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Kabra, Rajesh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Professor |
| Kahloon, Rehan A | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kaiser, Rachel T | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kamaleswaran, Rishi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Kaplan, Robert J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Assistant Professor |
| Kaplowitz, Rebekah Ad | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Kasser, Richard John | College of Health Professions | Physical Therapy | Associate Professor |
| Ke, Ray | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor |
| Kerlan, Robert A. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Khan, Raja B U | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Khouzam, Rami Nadim | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Professor |
| King, Roy | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Pathology | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Kingree, Rachel Marie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kink, Rudy John | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Professor |
| Koch, Robert | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kraus, Robert M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Krishnan, Ramesh K. M. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neonatology | Professor |
| Kriwacki, Richard W | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor |
| Kulinski, Robert Fran | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Kumar, Rakesh M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kari, Suresh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kaukab, Shahla A | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Instructor |
| Kelleher, Sonja Boulw | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Kennel, Stephen J | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Professor |
| Kessler, Steven | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Khaire, Sushant Shara | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kloek, Scott Mitchell | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Knight, Steven P | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kamala Raghavan, Sajeesh Kumar | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Kumar, Sanjeev | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Kunda, Sarma R | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Kundu, Suman | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Instructor |
| Kreisler, Sara Catherine | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Kane, Terrance Matthe | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Kanneganti, Thirumala-d | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor |
| Kelley, Timothy Neil | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Instructor |
| Khattak, Taslim Akhta | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Instructor |
| King, Frank | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Korioth, Tom V | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Professor |
| Kothe, Terence B. | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Ku, Tse-shuen | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Assistant Professor |
| Kha, Victor Herbert | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Knott, Victoria | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Koubek, Virginia Anne | College of Medicine - Memphis | Dermatology | Assistant Professor |
| Kumar, Vishad | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Kutteh, William H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor |
| Kalra, Yuvraj | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Karikari, Serwaa | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Kong, Ying | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Associate Professor |