| Mitchell, Anna | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Molloy, Ashley Michelle | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Madni, Arshia | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Palliative Care | Assistant Professor |
| Mahmood, Asos | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mainardi, Anne | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Malkin, Andrea | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mallard, Angela Marie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Manrique Garcia, Alvaro | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Manugian, Arsen H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Instructor |
| Martin, Alexandra | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Mascioli, Anthony Andrew | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mata Daboin, Alejandro D | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physiology | Instructor |
| Mathew, Alex | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Surgical Oncology | Assistant Professor |
| Matthews, Ashley | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Assistant Professor |
| Mauritson, Amy Eleanora | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Assistant Professor |
| Mcdonald, April Patrice | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcgregor, Amy Lee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Mckinney, Amanda L | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcvie, Andrew Kyle | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mehrabi, Amir H | College of Dentistry | Endodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Melhem, Arafat Yousef | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Meluch, Anthony Alan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Merlocco, Anthony Cam | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Associate Professor |
| Mirza, Abbas | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Mitchell, Anita W | College of Health Professions | Occupational Therapy | Professor |
| Moffitt, Allen Hall | College of Dentistry | Orthodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Mohamed, Ali Abulkasim | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Moretta, Anthony C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Andrew Charle | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Clinical Instructor |
| Mosley, Albert D | College Grad Health Sciences | Interprofessional Education | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, Jackson Andre | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Surgery General | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, Austin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Instructor |
| Miller, Amanda Leshae | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Merriman, Amanda | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Maddox, Benjamin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Maliakkal, Benedict J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Mandrell, Belinda | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Asst Professor |
| Manole, Alex | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Instructor |
| Martel, Benjamin Paul | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mccullar, Bruce H | College of Dentistry | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Medenwald, Brittny | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Meibohm, Bernd | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Messenger, Brigitte Miriam | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mettler, Bret | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Mixon, Benjamin | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Moore, Bob M | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Moore, Blake A | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Morrical, Brandon | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Morris, Brent J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Mudigoudar, Basanagoud | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Mullins, Brent A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Mussoi, Bruna S. | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech Pathology | Associate Professor |
| Macdonald, Charles B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Otolaryngology Head-Neck Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Madison, Christopher | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Madlock-brown, Charisse | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Instructor |
| Madu, Chikezie O | College Grad Health Sciences | Graduate Education | Associate Professor |
| Manasco, Christie | College of Nursing | Community & Population Health | Assistant Professor |
| Mashchak, Clarissa Am | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Matar, Christian Andr | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Mathis, Christopher L | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mayer, Corey A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mccarthy, Clare L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcglothan, Corey Shane | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mcintosh, Cynthia | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor |
| Mcknight, Catherine Lindsay | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Mcneill, Charleen | College of Nursing | Nursing-Academic Affairs | Executive Associate Dean |
| Menegaz, Colleen | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Critical Care | Assistant Professor |
| Meyer, Charles J | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Michael, Christie F | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Pulmonology | Associate Professor |
| Mills, Chad | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Minor, Christy | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Hospitalist | Assistant Professor |
| Molini, Christopher A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Moss, Chad M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Instructor |
| Mountain, Christina L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mullighan, Charles Gr | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Professor |
| Mullins, Jeff | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, Cody Daniel | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Mallon, Courtney Eliz | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Macgaw, Douglas Merri | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Maness, David L | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Professor |
| Marjoncu, Dennis | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Marsh, Daniel R | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Martin, Daniel Clyde | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Emeritus Professor |
| Mauney Iii, Donald K | College of Dentistry | Endodontics | Assistant Professor- Endo |
| Mccammon, Daniel K | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mccance, David M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Gastroenterology | Assistant Professor |
| Mcconnell, David Houston | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Mckenzie, Donna Gail | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Mcknight, David T | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mcmillan, David Arthu | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Merwin, Daniel R | College of Dentistry | Orthodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Mileusnic, Darinka | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Pathology | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Miller, Drew W | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Miller, Duane D | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
| Mitchell, Douglas P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mohammed, Dakhaz Ramz | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Dwight M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Moore, Derek E | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Moser, Davis D. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Associate Professor |
| Mountain, Deidra Jill Hopkins | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Mullinix, Derek R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mulrooney, Daniel Art | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Myers, Dayna D | College of Dentistry | Dental Hygiene | Associate Professor And D |
| Mulherin, Diana Lynn | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mewborn, Emily Kate | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Instructor |
| Mills, Elizabeth Lang | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Margolis, Elisa | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Marrero Jr, Efrain | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Marsh, Elizabeth Anne | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Martin-shuler, Emily | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Mccartt, Eric | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mccoy, Elisha | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds General | Associate Professor |
| Metter, E. Jeffrey | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Professor |
| Miller, Elyse | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mitchell, Erica | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Vascular & Endovascular Surgery | Professor |
| Moberly, Elizabeth Gu | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mobley, Edward C | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Clinical Assistant Profes |
| Mukhopadhyay, Ekanka | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Murray, Emma Chase | College of Nursing | Nursing-Academic Affairs | Adjunct-Assistant Profess |
| Murray, Earnest Lee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Manejwala, Fazal | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mihelic, Fabian Matthew | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Mir, Fatima | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Mancini, Gregory John | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Mangle, George Mark | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Maron, Gabriela Maria | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Mcqueen, George | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Meggs, Garrett | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Instructor |
| Minwell, Gregory J. | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Miranda-carboni, Gustav | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Associate Professor |
| Mitchell, Gregg | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Associate Professor |
| Morin-ducote, Garnetta I | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Associate Professor |
| Morris, Glenn S. | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, Garnett A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Professor |
| Murray, Glenn Paul | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Malave, Grace Marie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Matz, Ethan | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Urology | Assistant Professor |
| Many, Heath Richard | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Manyam, Harish | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Professor And Chair |
| Maune, Heather Elaine | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mefford, Heather Chri | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Professor |
| Mertz, Howard Randall | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Moore, Harrison Scott | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Morreim, Haavi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Professor |
| Morrow, Helen George-anna | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Moss, Heather Katherine | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Mroczkowski, Henry J. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Genetics | Associate Professor |
| Mattox, Taylor | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Michael, Madison | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Professor |
| Michalak, Ian Wetzel | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor |
| Mirman, Igal | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Molyneaux, Ian W. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Associate Professor |
| Mosley, James C | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mcklemurry, Julianna | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, James Kevin | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mahaffey, Jennie | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mahony, Jeff | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Radiology | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Moore, Jacen S. | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Malachowski, Jessica | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Mancell, Jimmie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Maples, Jill M | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Marrs, Joel C. | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Professor |
| Marszalek, Jolanta Ma | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Instructor |
| Martinez, Jesus F | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Instructor |
| Martin, Judy C | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Associate Professor |
| Martindale-adams, Jennifer | College of Medicine - Memphis | Preventive Medicine - Preventive Medicine | Professor |
| Massad, Joseph J | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Associate Professor |
| Mather, Jon Seth | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Matthews, Juliana Jor | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mauro, James Adam | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Maxwell, Jon Lorne | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcadory, Elizabeth Ja | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mcannally, John-ryan | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcarthur, Jennifer A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Mccarthy, Jillian Heather | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech Pathology | Associate Professor |
| Mccollum, Joshua M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mccormick, John N | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mccoy, J Michael | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Oral Surgery | Professor Emeritus |
| Mccravey, John W | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcdonald, James Dallas | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mcdowell, James G | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mcelfresh, Jenessa M | Academic, Faculty, Student Aff | Library | Associate Professor |
| Mcgee, Jesse Edward | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Mckay, Jake | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Neurology | Assistant Professor |
| Mckinney, Jerry G | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor |
| Mckissick, Jasmine | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Instructor |
| Mcloughlin, James Martin | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Mcrae, J Lawrence | College of Dentistry | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Meadows Jr, John Thomas | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Associate Professor |
| Meredith Jr, James T | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Instructor |
| Merriman, Joseph | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Metz, James | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Adjunct Assistant Profess |
| Miller, Jennifer | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Joseph Hardy | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, James H | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Instructor |
| Mills, Jonathan | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Minnis, James I | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mirza, Jennifer Ayers | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mohamed, Junaith S. | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Assistant Professor |
| Monroe, Justin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Surgical Oncology | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Jay | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Jane N | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Moretz, Jeremy | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, James Ian | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Professor |
| Moss, Joshua Parker | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mullenix, Jason Bryan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mulroy, Janet F. | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Instructor |
| Murray, John | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Murrell, John | College of Dentistry | Dental Hygiene | Instructor |
| Myer, James Robert | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Myers, James Eric | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Myers, John W. | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Maday, Kristopher Roy | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Associate Professor |
| Madrid Rivas, Karla P | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Malik, Kafait U | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pharmacology, Addiction Science, and Toxicology | Professor |
| Maloney, Kelsey A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Child Development | Assistant Professor |
| Maniscalco, Kenneth B | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Instructor |
| March, Katherine L | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Marken, Kelsey | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Dentistry | Instructor |
| Martel, Kristin J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Martin, Karen | College of Health Professions | Audiology & Speech Pathology - Audiology & Speech Pathology | Instructor |
| Martinolich, Kevin M | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Maxey, Kimberly Anne | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mclean, Katie Maxwell | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| May, Keith | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mays, Kit Sanford | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mccaul, Kelly | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Meche, Katherine M | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Hospitalist | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Kristin Morse | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Miller, Karla | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mills, Leo Kendrick | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Monteen, Kelly M | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Montry, Kathleen Mary | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Kabel | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Kyle Joseph | College of Dentistry | Pediatric Dentistry-Community Oral Hlth | Instructor |
| Morris, Kimberly L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Morse, Kristy A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Mozhui, Khyobeni | College of Medicine - Memphis | Preventive Medicine - Preventive Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Muddassir, Khawaja Mu | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Assistant Professor |
| Murray, Kara L | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Muse, Katosha Andra | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Makowski, Liza | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Professor |
| Mayo, Leslie Thompson | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mchale, Lindsay | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Manasco, Louise | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Instructor |
| Marable, Lacie Daen | College of Nursing | Community & Population Health | Instructor |
| Mccallum, Lee W. | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Mccluggage, Lauren | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mccollum, Lauren Emil | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcelroy, Laura | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcgill, Lora J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Associate Professor |
| Mcgowan, Leslie Raines | College of Medicine - Memphis | Urology | Clinical Assistant Profes |
| Metzler, Laurel J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Critical Care | Assistant Professor |
| Meyers, Linda Maidmen | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Miller, Lewis Mccoy | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Moree, Lamar | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - General Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Lance | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Moses-simmons, Linda | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Mark A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor |
| Mosby, Melinda S. | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Instructor |
| Mendola, Annette M | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Associate Professor |
| Moustafa, Mohamed M I | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Assistant Professor |
| Mays, Margaret Ann | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mabie, Matthew W | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Assistant Professor |
| Magazin, Maja | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Instructor |
| Malik, Muhammad Fayaz | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mancini, Matthew L | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Professor |
| Mardis, Marlah H | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Marshel, Maria Del Ro | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Martin, Michelle Y. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Preventive Medicine - Preventive Medicine | Professor |
| Martin, Michael | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Associate Professor |
| Masud, Muhammad W | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Matheney, Michael | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mcalister, Mitchell S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mccain, Mamel | College of Health Professions | Diagnostic and Health Sciences | Professor/Emeritus |
| Mccarville, Mary E | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Professor |
| Mccollum, Michael J. | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mccormack, Mike | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mccutchen, Michael P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mcdonald, Michael P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurology | Professor |
| Mcdonald, Mary Neuman | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mcdonald, Michael B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Mcdowell, Maresa | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mcgargill, Maureen An | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Associate Professor |
| Mcgurrin, Mark A. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - General Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mcnally, Michael Morg | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Meadors, Marvin Porte | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Meekins, Myra M | College of Health Professions | Physical Therapy | Assistant Professor |
| Mejias, Maria Asuncio | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Professor |
| Mencio, Marissa A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Meredith, Mark Logan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Meyer, Marvin C | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
| Mihalko, Marc J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Michael Todd | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Miles, Michelle | College of Dentistry | Dental Hygiene | Associate Professor |
| Miller, Matthew Kyle | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcamis, Michele | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mills, Mark R | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Instructor |
| Missak, Mary Samuel | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mohler, Michael L | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Assistant Professor |
| Mooney, Melissa Anne | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Morrison, Megan Eilee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Morse, Michael Andrew | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Morsy, Mohamed Samir | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Moss, Max Lee | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Moss, Mary Thomas | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Muhlbauer, Michael S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Neurosurgery | Associate Professor |
| Mulligan, Megan K | College of Medicine - Memphis | Genetics, Genomics & Informatics | Associate Professor |
| Munday, Michael David | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Murray, Mark B | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Myers, Mark H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Melissa Madol | College of Nursing | Nursing-Academic Affairs | Adjunct-Assistant Profess |
| Muthiah, Muthiah | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Professor |
| Mcginty, Mary Peg | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Mascolo, Mallory | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Assistant Professor |
| Mcclellan, Nicole | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mandal, Nawajes | College of Medicine - Memphis | Ophthalmology | Professor |
| Mehrotra, Nitin | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Meyer, Norman Lewis | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor |
| Miller, Noah | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Cardiology | Instructor |
| Miller, Nichole Katherin | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Adjunct Instructor |
| Mohyuddin, Naved Moha | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med General Internal Medicine | Instructor |
| Morin, Nicholas P | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Critical Care | Assistant Professor |
| Mahmoud, Osama Mohame | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Cardiology | Assistant Professor |
| Medina, Omar | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Instructor |
| Mcglaughlin, Brent Taylor | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Instructor |
| Ma, Peijun | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Assistant Professor |
| Macauley, Precious Ay | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Assistant Professor |
| Mahan, Paul Barry | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Assistant Professor |
| Mcconville, Patrick Owen | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Anesthesiology | Associate Professor And C |
| Mcdowell, Chip | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mckinnon, Peter J | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anatomy & Neurobiology | Professor |
| Mcmullan, Paul Wilson | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Menke, Paul Gerard | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Phyllis E | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Obstetrics & Gynecology | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Paul Warrick | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Preston D | College of Dentistry | Orthodontics | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Patricia | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcghee, Queen | College of Nursing | Nursing-Academic Affairs | Adjunct-Assistant Profess |
| Mirza, Qasim | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Associate Professor |
| Mahzoun, Reza | College of Dentistry | Bioscience Research | Visiting Scholar |
| Martin, Raymond S | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Martin, Rebecca | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Emergency Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Maxwell, Robert A | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Professor |
| Mayall, Becky | College of Dentistry | Prosthodontics | Associate Professor |
| Mays, Richard H | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Family Medicine | Instructor |
| Mays, Robyn | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor & Dir |
| Mccalla, Robert | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Assistant Professor/Group |
| Mckissick, Russell C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Meekins, Richard D | College of Dentistry | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mehr, Rachel B | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Clinical Instructor |
| Miller, Robert H | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Mills, Rebecca B | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mire, Ryan D | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Associate Professor |
| Mohanka, Ravi | College of Medicine - Memphis | Surgery - Transplant Surgery | Professor |
| Molloy, Ronald L | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Montgomery, Randall C | College of Dentistry | General Dentistry | Instructor |
| Morrison, Ray | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics | Associate Professor |
| Mostafavi, Roya | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Instructor |
| Myers, Kelley | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Associate Professor |
| Matthews, Rachel Ally | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Sarah E | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mancarella, Salvatore | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physiology | Associate Professor |
| Martinez, Stephanie Catherine | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Neonatology | Assistant Professor |
| Martinez, Santos F | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| May, Shari Raley | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mazumder, Shirin | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Infectious Diseases | Associate Professor |
| Mcgrane, Stuart | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mchenry, Sara Elisha | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mckillop, Scott Allen | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mckinney-freeman, Shann | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pathology | Assistant Professor |
| Meers, Stanley D | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mehr, Sonal | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Gastroenterology | Assistant Professor |
| Mehta, Sanwal Singh | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Miller, Shondra | College Grad Health Sciences | Graduate Education | Associate Professor |
| Miller, Steve | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Professor |
| Miller, Shelley A | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Assistant Professor |
| Mills, Sheryl May Ali | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Miranda, Susan Amy | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Mittal, Sanjeev | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Assistant Professor |
| Mokhtari, Susan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Anesthesiology | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Stephen Eugene | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Morgan, Stacey | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Instructor |
| Mudumbi, Sandhya Kaly | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mueller, Stephanie Ly | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, Shelley Lynn | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Pediatrics | Assistant Professor |
| Murrell, Samuel E | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Murrmann, Susan G | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mohsin Raza, Syed Muhammad | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Nephrology | Assistant Professor |
| Malone, Shannon Reidley | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Marvin,susan | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mandal, Tarun K. | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Professor |
| Marion, Tony N | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Professor Emeritus |
| Masi, Tom | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mcclinton, Tracy H | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Associate Professor |
| Mcconnell, Timothy | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Oral Surgery | Clinical Associate Pro |
| Mcginess, Thaddeus P | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mcmillan, Tod A | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Surgery | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Melton, Tyler | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Merrell, Tracy Alan | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Mineo, Tyler | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |
| Minniear, Timothy Dean | College of Medicine - Memphis | Pediatrics - Peds Infectious Diseases | Assistant Professor |
| Mittag, Tanja | College of Medicine - Memphis | Microbiology, Immunology & Biochemistry | Associate Professor |
| Monroe, Todd Bryant | College of Nursing | Acute and Tertiary Care | Assoc Professor |
| Morgan, Tim | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Morris, Troy Dale | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Morton, Ted | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Associate Professor |
| Motyka, Tracy Marie | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mustapha, Taopheeq Ay | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Myers, Timothy Presto | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Mukatira, Uthappa Tha | College of Nursing | Health Promotion/Disease Prevention | Assistant Professor |
| Mansfield, Victoria C | College of Medicine - Memphis | Physician Assistant | Instructor |
| Maller, Vinod Govindaraj | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Associate Professor |
| Maller, Vijetha Vinod | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Associate Professor |
| Mansouri, Vafa Cyrus | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Mattewada, Vijay K | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mcghee, Vera V | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Hematology | Assistant Professor |
| Mejia, Vincente A | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Surgery | Associate Professor |
| Melekhin, Vlada Vicki | College of Medicine - Memphis | Clinical Medical Education | Assistant Professor |
| Montgomery, Van A | College of Medicine - Memphis | Radiology | Assistant Professor |
| Messingschlager, Cory | College of Medicine | Chat Clinical Medical Education | Instructor |
| Mabry, William A | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Mahlow, Jeremy | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Clinical Assistant Pro |
| Mariencheck, William I | College of Medicine - Memphis | Medicine - Med Pulmonary | Associate Professor |
| Mcclatchy, William H | College of Medicine | Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Mclaughlin, William J | College of Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Associate Professor |
| Metheny, William Paul | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Obstetrics & Gynecology | Professor Emeritus |
| Mihalko, Bill | College of Medicine - Memphis | Orthopaedic Surgery | Professor |
| Mitchell, William Cla | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Assistant Professor |
| Moore, Paul | College of Pharmacy | Clinical Pharmacy & Translational Science | Assistant Professor |
| Moses, Wendell M.s. | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Orthopaedic Surgery | Assistant Professor |
| Mullins, Wesley S | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Dentistry | Clinical Instructor |
| Mullinax, William G. | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Memphis | Assistant Professor |
| Murphy, William D | College of Medicine - Memphis | Psychiatry | Professor |
| Moore, Yvonne Frank | College of Medicine - Memphis | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Instructor |
| Mcclendon, Yuri Sawa | College of Medicine - Chattanooga | Chat Family Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Marlette, Zach | College of Medicine - Knoxville | Knox Medicine | Assistant Professor |
| Meyer, Zachary Taylor | College of Medicine - Memphis | Family Medicine - WestTn Family Practice-Jackson | Instructor |