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Welcome New Faculty

Campus Map - as presented on the map, the campus is (essentially) bounded by I-240 on the East, Poplar Avenue on the North, Orleans Street on the West, and Linden/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Avenue on the South [Interactive Google map]

Academic Calendar

Room Scheduling for GEB, Coleman, Computer Labs, Link Building, Kaplan Clinical Skills Center, Student Activity Center (SAC) and College of Pharmacy spaces in Memphis and Knoxville. Need a room scheduled e-mail or fax to 901.448.7838.

Campus Official Holiday Closing Schedule

UT Health Science Center Emergency Response (inclement weather or other situations necessitating a closure of the Memphis campus)

Contact List and Links

Employee Benefits and Discounts

Faculty Senate Information

Title IX Information

UT Health Science Center Strategic Plan

Faculty Handbook

Campus Police - 24 hours/day

  • If immediate police, fire, or medical response is needed, dial 8-4444 from a University phone (all UT Health Science Center prefixes).
  • In an emergency, call campus police from a campus telephone if at all possible so that your location can be pinpointed (they cannot track cell phone locations so only use your cell in an emergency if you have no other option).
  • From a non-university phone or cell phone, dial 901.448.4444.

Rave Guardian - Rave Guardian is a notification system that allows designated administrators to send time-sensitive messages to the mobile phones, email, and/or pagers of students, faculty, staff, and others). In the event of an emergency, subscribers can get notified immediately of the situation, wherever they are geographically.

Parking - parking self-service, parking services staff, parking map, UT Health Science Center accessible parking

Health Sciences Library - access electronic resources, search the library's catalog, view equipment availability, sign up for instruction, and much more


Digital Measures is UT Health Science Center’s web-based faculty activity reporting system that allows faculty members to track their teaching, research, clinical care, and service activities and accomplishments. All regular faculty (full and part time) utilize Digital Measures for annual reviews. 

Academic Technologies

Banner - access class rosters, class schedules, enter grades

Bookstore - textbook requests, gifts, accessories, apparel, supplies

Teaching and Learning Center - UTHSC's Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) promotes student success through programs, services, and partnerships that support our educators in their pursuit of teaching excellence. 

Research Resources - bridge funding, consulting services, editing services, Faculty Research Incentives Programs, Lab Animal Care Unit, Core Laboratories, Research Space Policy, Statistics & Methodology Consulting

Research Compliance - Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Review Board, Office of Human Subjects Protection, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Biological Materials Inventory, Export Control, Radiation Safety Committee, Standard Operating Procedures, Policy & Standards, CITI Training (Course in the Protection of Human Research Subjects)

Research Conflict of Interest - All investigators involved in research related activities (whether funded or unfunded) must disclose potential conflicts of interest.

Office of Sponsored Programs - The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides support for the faculty and staff of the Health Science Center (including components at the UT Graduate School of Medicine in Knoxville and the Chattanooga Unit of the College of Medicine) in their efforts to obtain external funding for research and other sponsored projects, while ensuring compliance with UT policy, sponsor policy, and applicable law.

Postdoc Office - services and support for postdoctoral trainees and their faculty mentors

Sponsoring International Postdocs/Researchers in Your Lab - You should contact your department’s Human Resources Coordinator and/or Director of Administration if you wish to bring an international postdoc or researcher to your lab.  They will then coordinate with the Office of International Affairs for the appropriate visa sponsorship.

Available Academic Technologies:

Information Technology Services

Technology Purchases - through the Technology Center at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Bookstore, faculty may purchase software or hardware at a significant discount. Some items are available for personal purchases, while others are available only with a department account number.

Software Downloads

  • The Office of Information Technology (OIT) at UT Knoxville has a variety of software available for download; some for personal computers and some for office use only. Log into the site with your NetID and NetID password and indicate whether the download is for office or home use to be taken to the list of available software
  • Remote Work Resources

UT Health Science Center Listserv Information -

At UT Health Science Center, we have four primary campuswide mailing lists that are available for use, but please note that access to these lists is restricted:

        1. Campuswide List
        2. Student List
        3. Staff List
        4. Faculty List

Should you find yourself in need of creating a new listserv for departmental or group communication, you can easily do so by visiting the UT Health Science Center Listserv Page. You can also find information on UTHSC’s public mailing listservs, each with its own specific description. It is also important to be aware of our moderation policies.

  • The Campuswide, Student, and Staff mailing lists are moderated; this means messages sent to these lists undergo a review process before distribution.
  • For the Faculty list, messages from faculty members are distributed without moderation, while those submitted by non-faculty members will be reviewed prior to sending.
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center has had a strong and established tradition of volunteer faculty participation in its missions. Indeed, volunteer faculty play a major role in educating our students in their chosen profession. UTHSC recognizes that our students would be less proficient in their chosen field without exposure to practicing clinicians and researchers. The UT Health Science Center Faculty Handbook, specifically Section 6.2.6, has more information on the appointment and promotion of volunteer faculty.

If you are a new volunteer faculty member, we welcome you and thank you for your faculty efforts!

Volunteer faculty may access a variety of services at UT Health Science Center including, but not limited to:

To access some UT Health Science Center resources, volunteer faculty require one or more of the following:

  • NetID and password - all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Tennessee have a NetID and password. Your NetID permits secure access to several web-based applications, including the Library, Blackboard, and others. Your appointing department can notify you once you have a NetID.
    • How do you know you have a NetID? Once you are added to our online directory, your NetID (an 8-character unique identifier) is official and can be used.
  • UT Health Science Center ID card - Identification cards allow access to secure buildings on campus, including the Library, Fitness Center, and other facilities and activities. ID cards must be worn in a visible fashion when on campus. Read more about ID cards and controlled access systems.

Annual FERPA Notice for Faculty & Staff - our institution must comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) that establishes legal parameters governing access to and release of student records. The link provides contact information for the Office of the Registrar and has a comprehensive FAQ.

HIPAA - links to the HIPAA Privacy Officer as well as the Security Officer, along with a variety of forms, policies, and guidance documents to ensure that we are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Services for Students with Disabilities - Student Academic Support Services coordinates accommodations for students with disabilities at UT Health Science Center

College Faculty Affairs Contacts






Feb 26, 2025