TLC Summer Olympics 2024
![2024 TLC Summer Olympics](/tlc/images/tlc-summer-olympics-graphic1.jpg)
TLC Summer Olympics!
Faculty who enroll in this 7-week online summer program have the option to sign up for one of the following ‘events:’ 1) Developing a Microlecture; 2) Designing a Low-Fidelity Simulation/Role Play; or 3) Using Collaborative Academic Technology. You will then work with a coach to help you develop a useful product for your teaching. Winners will be selected from each category and will be recognized at the TLC Celebration of Teaching Excellence.
Quick Overview: Who? What? When? How? What if?
Please email the TLC ( if you have any questions or if you’d like to talk more about the program before committing.
Logistics and Structure*
Registration: TBA
Kick-Off: TBA, 12-1 PM CST via Zoom
Closing: TBA, 5 PM CST
Week One-Introduction to your topic and your coach
Week Two-Begin to develop project via asynchronous engagement, meet with coach to brainstorm
Week Three- Continue to develop project, complete online asynchronous work
Week Four- Group check in & brainstorming, support from coach (1-on-1 meetings as needed), complete online asynchronous work
Week Five- Continue to develop project, complete online asynchronous work
Week Six- Finalize product & submission packet, meet one-on-one with coach as needed
Week Seven- Final submissions (packet & product) due by 5:00 PM CST
* Much of the work will be guided, self-paced, asynchronous work so participants do not have to commit to being available for 7 straight weeks as long as final submission is made.
Our hope is that the TLC Summer Olympics give faculty the ability to carve out time to invest in their teaching in a way that feels manageable, supportive, and fun. Thanks for joining us!