Pharmacy Staff Organization (PSO)
The Pharmacy Staff Organization (PSO) consists of all staff members who participate in the administration of the College of Pharmacy. The purpose of the PSO is to facilitate communication among staff members and College leadership.
Elected Staff Representatives

Reporting Ideas, Concerns, or Questions:
Governing Bylaws
The PSO leadership shall consist of a total of five elected representatives. A representative from each campus will be chosen. Terms shall be three years.
At the beginning of each academic year, the PSO elected representatives shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for a term of one year.
Staff interested in running for PSO should contact LaVerne Williams, Experiential Learning Coordinator at
How PSO Represents the Faculty to the College
The Pharmacy Faculty Organization (PSO) consists of all Staff who participate in the administrative governance of the College of Pharmacy. The purpose of the PSO is to facilitate communication among faculty members and College leadership.
When does PSO meet?
PSO meetings may convene as often as deemed necessary by the PSO elected representatives. The Chair shall preside over the PSO meetings, and in the absence of the Chair, the Chair’s designee shall preside. The agenda for PSO meeting will be set by the PSO elected representative after receipt of agenda items from the College Staff. The PSO executive committee, shall meet with the Dean of the College of Pharmacy at least quarterly.