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Student Organizations

At the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, there’s always something going on. The purpose of student organizations is to further the best interest of our students through representation in every-day matters affecting student life through leadership opportunities, community involvement, and activities.

The College of Nursing has four student organizations. The organizations include the following: Black Student Nursing Association, Nursing Student Government Association, Student Nurses Association, and the College of Nursing Honor Council. These organizations explore and support the intellectual, social, and cultural environment of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center campus. Through participation, you will gain a wealth of knowledge. 

The purpose of the Nursing Student Government Association [NSGA] is to maintain and uphold the ideals and standards of the UTHSC College of Nursing, to encourage an attitude of professional responsibility, to facilitate faculty and student interaction, to act as a liaison for students with the College of Nursing faculty and administration, and to foster positive community public relations.

2024 Officers

President – Cailey Washington
Vice President – Kaitlin Oshiro
Secretary/Treasurer – Leona Middleton
TBSN Representative – Dominick Disalvo
ABSN Representative – Nadia Tompkins
DNP Representative  – Allison Johnson
Social Chairpersons – Ragan Adams (ABSN) and Cooper McKelroy (TBSN)
Community Service Chair  - Camryn Michael

Faculty Advisor - Instructor Tori Payne Webster, MSN, RN
Faculty Advisor - Associate Professor Alisa Haushalter, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC
NSGA Constitution

The purpose of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) is to assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality healthcare, provide programs of professional interest, and aid in development of the whole person. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center – College of Nursing chapter was formed in 2006. It is open to all nursing students.

Co-Presidents: Cyteria Ray & Briana Wilkes
Co-President Elects: Amber Bull & Liane Williams
Co-Vice Presidents: Elizabeth Higareda & Eleanor Naifeh
Secretary: Christina Sheradon
Treasurer: Rebecca Laplante
Social Project Officer: Autumn Conway
Service Project Officers: Haley Lundberg/Teresa Perez

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kim Kennel, Anita Settles-Seymour, Ashley Neal  

The College of Nursing Honor Council is charged with the task of of upholding the UTHSC Honor Code. The Honor Code promotes academic honesty and integrity in the classroom, laboratory, clinics and other academic endeavors. The Honor Code requires students to uphold its principles of fairness, professionalism, and ethical behavior; and it also provides procedures to adjudicate alleged violations.

The Honor Council of the College of Nursing consists of a chairperson and representatives from the BSN and DNP programs. The Honor Council chairperson presides over all regular meetings and over Honor Council hearings. Program representatives will serve as members of the hearing panel.


  • Evan Gregory, Chairman
  • Kaylin Story, DNP Representative
  • Akaninyene Della  Mkpon Ruffin, DNP Representative
  • Victoria Grace Ray Hutchison, DNP Representative
  • Matt Davis, BSN Representative
  • Breosha Hunt, BSN Representative
  • Leona Middleton, BSN Representative
  • Dr. Charleen McNeill, Faculty Advisor

The Black Student Association (BSA) is an interdisciplinary organization founded in 1992 by African American students here at UTHSC. As a division of the University-wide organization, the CON’s chapter shares in its purpose is to improve the overall health status of our University and local community, including underserved groups.  Through engagement and collaboration we seek to promote health, wellness, and increase awareness through community service. 

Membership in the Nursing Chapter of BSA is open to all CON students regardless of race, ethnic background,  culture, religion, or other affiliations.

2024 Officers

President - Kendree Collier
Vice President - Scarlett Pickens
Secretary -
Jaylin Felts
Treasurer - Kayla Collins

Faculty Advisors

Dr. Trina Barrett
Ms. Anita Seymour

Mar 7, 2025