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Research Resources

Guideline for Facilities and Administrative Costs

General Purpose
The intent of this guideline is to clarify indirect cost requests for grant applications submitted through the College of Health Professions (COHP).  The conditions under which College of Health Professions faculty may request either a reduction or waiver of indirect cost recovery otherwise permitted by a sponsor or funding agency are outlined.

Indirect cost recovery permits the college and the institution to recover some of the expenses incurred to sustain a research program, and is a source of funding for further development of research and scholarly activity. Therefore,  it is in the interest of the institution, its colleges, and its faculty scholars (and students) to recover indirect costs wherever it is permitted. Facility costs and administrative burdens of preparing and managing grants in both time and personnel are significant for the college and indirect cost recovery helps fund this important college infrastructure. For further information concerning The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Office of Research policy regarding facilities & administrative costs, please follow this link.

Procedures and Composition
All investigators In the COHP are expected to include the maximum indirect cost recovery permitted by a sponsor in the proposed budget.  The COHP Research Office will review all proposal budgets to ensure compliance. While sponsors and funding agencies differ in the rate of indirect cost reimbursement, full institutionally negotiated federal level of indirect cost recovery is expected for all applications. If the funding agency has a written formal policy regarding a different maximal indirect cost recovery rate, that rate will be allowed. The college will comply with formal written policies (not informal communications or preferences of individual program directors) if an indirect cost rate is different from the current federal negotiated reimbursement rate, and no formal request for waiver or reduction is required (simply a copy of that formal written policy). 

A petition can be made for an exception to the policy of requesting maximum permissible indirect cost recovery;  approval is required from the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. This appeal requires a clearly demonstrated  benefit for the College of Health Professions and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (e.g., in accomplishing key parts of the college or university mission), which outweighs the administrative and regulatory costs associated with conducting the research.

Faculty shall not negotiate directly with sponsors on issues of indirect cost rates. Furthermore, faculty shall not seek approval from any source other than the COHP Office of Research and the Senior Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies. Faculty must work closely with the COHP Office of Research to understand sponsors and funding agencies maximum indirect cost recovery formal policies. The COHP Office of Research will not approve applications  to the university’s office of Sponsored programs if the investigator has by-passed the normal processes of the Research Office, or has missed deadlines associated with submission of budget requests that include an approved level of indirect cost recovery.

Appeal Process
An investigator may appeal to the Dean of the College of Health Professions any denial for different indirect cost recovery than that permitted by the sponsoring agency. The appeal must be submitted in writing and received by the Dean within three (3) calendar days of receipt of denial notification and no less than 14 working days before the  College of Health Professions deadline for submitting the application to the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Office of Sponsored Programs. The Dean will review the material submitted and notify the faculty in writing of the final decision on the appeal. The Dean’s communication will also outline any actions necessary for the investigator to obtain approval for the application’s submission.


Pre-Award Research Support

The UTHSC College of Health Professions Office of Research offers faculty pre-award support for grant submissions.

This support includes:

  • Grant planning and submission
  • Budget Development
  • Sponsor Compliance and Formatting
  • Guidance for Institutional Resources – Editorial/Scientific Writing Services, Core Facilities, etc. 

When considering a grant submission, please consult the UTHSC College of Health Professions Resources tab for the designated timeline, ensuring adequate preparation.

For an initial consultation related to receiving pre-award support from the COHP Office of Research please contact Janine Twitchell.

For more information contact: 

Janine Twitchell
Grants and Contracts Coordinator
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Health Professions
930 Madison, Suite 677
Memphis, TN 38163


May 29, 2024