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Extramural Funding

We locate external funding and collaboratives that closely align with your research goals.


Limited Submissions

Many federal agencies and foundations offer grants, awards and fellowships limiting the number of proposals that can come from one institution. To increase the chances of funding success, UTHSC must submit its most competitive proposal, which requires an internal competition. The Office of Research Development will notify investigators of these opportunities according to the procedure below, and review internal pre-proposals.

Limited Submission Process

Limited submission opportunities are sent out via the Research listserv. These notifications contain all information and links needed. 
Pre-proposals meeting the eligibility requirements are reviewed by committee for evaluation, with final nomination decisions made by the Vice Chancellor for Research. You will be notified as soon as possible of the status of your submission.

InfoReady Review

InfoReady Review is used for managing applications. Please go to InfoReady Review to identify active competitions. 
  • Limited submissions must be routed through the ORD ( Applications submitted directly through Cayuse or to the funding agency will be deemed ineligible.
Go to InfoReady Review

Individual Consultations

For information on all funding opportunities including governmental sources (NIH, NSF, etc.), non-governmental disease related agency sources (American Cancer Society, American Heart Assoc., etc.), philanthropic organizations, including foundations, funds, and trusts, contact Jamie Whartenby, Director of Research Development.
Individual consultations can be arranged for investigators in search of funding opportunities in specific research or special interest areas (fellowships, equipment grants, non-US citizen-eligible grant opportunities).

InfoReady Review Funding Opportunity Calendar

View the InfoReady Review Funding Opportunity Calendar to learn about upcoming funding competitions and deadlines.




NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program   SEPA supports educational activities for pre-kindergarten to grade 12 (P-12) to ensure that students and teachers from all communities and regions of the country have the opportunity to pursue studies in science, technology , engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
NIH Weekly Funding Opportunities and Notices   NIH is the largest public founder of biomedical research in the world. Weekly updates allow researchers to track newly published funding opportunities and notices.
AHA Grant Funding Opportunities   The American Heart Association, the largest non-profit, non-governmental funder of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular research in the U.S., offers both annually and one-time grants. Some programs require pre-proposals, with full proposals by invitation only. 
CDMRP FY24 Upcoming Funding Opportunities   The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) fosters novel approaches to biomedical research in response to the expressed needs of its stakeholders—the American public, the military, and Congress. Research programs include topics such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, rare cancer, kidney cancer, and reconstructive transplants.
CDC National Prevention Information Network Funding Opportunities   NPIN is an information and resource platform connecting public health partners through collaborative communication and innovative technology solutions for HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, TB, and adolescent and school health. 
Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program (D43 Clinical Trial Optional)

LOI Deadline: 30 days before the application due date.

Application Due Date(s): August 6, 2024; August 6, 2025; August 6, 2026

(D43 CT Optional). The Global Infectious Disease (GID) research training program addresses research training needs related to infectious diseases impacting people living in developed countries. The goal is to build a critical mass of researchers and support staff to conduct independent infectious disease research. Joint applications for collaborative training programs with didactic, mentored research and professional development skill components are encouraged.
SFARI: Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes RFA Submission Deadline: September 12, 2024, 11:00am Central SFARI: Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes invites proposals that will elucidate the impact of well-defined developmental alterations on the structure, function and/or output of neural circuits relevant to ASD phenotypes.  
Damon Runyon Fellowship Award Application Deadline: August 15, 2024, 4:00pm Central This program encourages theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer, cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies, and prevention. Apply under Level 1: basic physician scientists who have received their degrees no more than 18 months prior to the application; or Level 2: Physician-scientists who have completed their residencies and clinical training and are board-eligible and able to devote 80% of their time to Damon Runyon-supported research activities. No limit on the number of applications from an institution; only one application will be accepted from a Sponsor/Fellow per review session.
2025 Macy Catalyst Awards for Transformation in Graduate Medical Education Application Deadline: September 20, 202 This award supports projects impacting the clinical learning environment, improving the experience of residents and fellows in one of three priority areas supported by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation: promoting diversity, equity, and belonging; increasing opportunities to learn in and from high-performing interprofessional teams; preparing future health professionals to navigate ethical dilemmas.
Macy Foundation Disability Inclusion in Nursing Grants Program Application Deadline: September 3, 2024 This special initiative funds demonstration projects that enhance equity, inclusion, and access for students with disabilities in schools of nursing and their affiliated clinical sites. Supporting this inclusion helps build a nursing workforce representative of patients served and supports improved quality of care and health equity.
Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award in Aging (K76) Application Deadline: October 18, 2024 Collaboration between NIA, the American Federation for Aging Research, and the John A. Hartford Foundation to recruit new investigators establishing research programs, who are ready to assume leadership roles in their field. Candidates must have competitively awarded research support as PD/PI at the faculty level and have prior leadership responsibilities in the clinical or research domain. Both opportunities support early-stage clinician-investigators. RFA-AG-24-014 is for those not leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. RFA-AG-24-015 is for those proposing a clinical trial or an ancillary clinical trial as lead investigator.
VHA National Community Partnership Challenge Application Deadline: August 16, 2024 Through the VHA National Community Partnership Challenge, partnering with AAMC, the National Association of Veterans' Research and Education Foundations is issuing a new award called the Partnership for Progress in Veterans' Health Awards. This award recognizes research initiatives requiring collaboration across a local VA Medical Center, an academic medical affiliate, and a VA-affiliated nonprofit or NPS as well as significantly advancing veterans' health care and research.
Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Healthcare Safety (R18) Application Deadline(s): Standard dates apply. The first application due date is September 25, 2024. PA-24-261 Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Safety (R18) invites grant applications supporting two research areas of interest: (1) whether and how certain breakthrough uses of AI systems can affect patient safety and (2) how AI systems can be safely implemented and used. 
Translating Socioenvironmental Influences on Neurocognitive Development and Addiction Risk (TranSINDA) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Application Deadline: November 7, 2024. RFA-DA-25-037 invites applications proposing team-science research aimed at longitudinal research designs in animal models and advanced neuroscience and theoretical tools to elucidate mechanisms mediating the impact of early-life social environment on neurobehavioral development and the risk for substance use disorders and their comorbidities in adolescence and adulthood. 
Device Based Treatments for Substance Use Disorders (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) Application Deadline(s): 
August 13, 2025; December 18, 2025; August 13, 2026. 
PAR-25-023 seeks applications accelerating the development of devices to treat Substance Use Disorders. These applications may focus on pre-clinical and/or clinical development and testing of new or existing devices approved for other indications. 
Concept Papers for Development of UT-ORII Convergent Research Initiatives September 13, 2024 The University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (UT-ORII)  strategically aligns ORNL and UT expertise and infrastructure in research and graduate education. Convergent Research Initiatives (CRIs) are a core pillar of UT-ORII's approach, supporting research faculty at UT and research staff at ORNL advancing work in emerging areas of strength for the combined institutions. The Concept Papers requested by this document will propose topics for one additional CRI that will be selected by UT-ORII to be launched in calendar year 2025.







Aug 15, 2024