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Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal regulations require UTHSC to establish and monitor academic progress standards for students who are federal financial aid applicants. This assessment ensures that any student who receives or applies for financial aid is making progress towards a degree. The student's total academic history is monitored regardless of whether he/she previously received financial aid. Students are able to view their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status through Banner Self-Service. Any student placed on a warning or suspension will also receive an email notification at the beginning of a term as warranted.

In order to maintain eligibility for financial aid, a student must meet the Quantitative, Qualitative, and Maximum Timeframe defined by DOE federal regulations. Failure to meet any one of these requirements will result in the loss of federal financial aid. Programs affected by these SAP requirements are: Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Work Study, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal SEOG, Federal PLUS Loan, Federal Loans for Disadvantaged Students, Federal Loans for Health Professions

Quantitative Measure

The quantitative measure for satisfactory academic progress requires that a student must successfully complete 67% of enrolled credit hours. This is measured on a cumulative basis.

Example: If the student enrolls for a total of 24 credit hours the first academic year, the student must satisfactorily complete 16 credit hours (24 credit hours x .67 (67%) = 16 credit hours).

Qualitative Measure

The qualitative measure for satisfactory academic progress requires that a student maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average.

During the entirety of a student's program, the student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to 3.00 depending on the degree program in which the student is enrolled and as detailed in UTHSC's Academic Bulletin.

Maximum Timeframe

An undergraduate student must achieve completion of the academic program in 150% of the published length of the program. Graduate and professional students are considered eligible for financial aid as long as they are meeting the academic requirements set forth for their program as detailed in UTHSC's Academic Bulletin.

Treatment of Attempted, Failed, Audited, Incomplete, Pass/Fail, Repeated, Transferred, and Withdrawn Credit Hours

Consistent with DOE federal financial aid regulations, UTHSC handles credit hours for SAP assessments as follows:

Attempted Hours: In keeping with the Registrar's policy, attempted hours include credit hours in which students are enrolled in as of the end of the 14th day of the term (generally known as the "census date").

Failed credit hours: Included in GPA and attempted but not included in completed credit hours. Grades of "F" and "U" count as failed credit hours.

Earned credit hours: Included in GPA, attempted, and completed credit hours. Grades of "A, B, C, and D" are assigned. "S" grades count as attempted and completed credit hours but does not count in student's GPA.

Incomplete and withdrawn credit hours: Included in attempted but not included in GPA or completed credit hours. Grades of "I" and "W" are assigned to incomplete and withdrawn credit hours, respectively.

Audited credit hours: Not included in attempted, completed, or in a student's GPA. A grade of "AU" is assigned to audit credit hours.

Transfer credit hours: Courses accepted towards degree program will be included in attempted and completed credit hours but are not included in the GPA. Grades of "TA," "TB," and "TC" are assigned.

Repeated credit hours: Course grades will average for GPA and all course attempts will count towards attempted credit hours but only one course credit will be counted in completed credit hours.

Warning Status

Academic progress will be reviewed following each term to determine if the SAP requirements have been met.

The first term the student fails to meet any requirement for SAP, the student will be placed on "Financial Aid Warning" status. The warning period should be utilized by the student to meet SAP requirements. The student still remains eligible for all federal funding during a warning status. Email notifications will be sent to students who are placed on a warning status at the start of the next term.

Suspension Status

A student failing to show satisfactory progress during the warning period will be placed on "Financial Aid Suspension" status. A student may not receive any federal funds while in a financial aid suspension status.


If special circumstances exist such as the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstance, the student can complete a SAP appeal form to request their financial aid be reinstated. Also, as it relates to maximum timeframe requirement, the following extenuating circumstances will be considered: concurrent majors, change of majors, change of degree program, and transfer credits that do not apply to degree program.

Each SAP appeal for financial aid requires that the student develop an appropriate academic plan in conjunction with their college. The academic plan outlines those quantitative and/or qualitative measures that the student must meet each term. The academic plan remains in place until the student has achieved Satisfactory Academic Progress.

The appeal will be reviewed by a SAP Financial Aid Committee comprised of individuals in the Financial Aid Office and two college representatives. As needed, the Committee will reach out to the student's degree program to clarify the student's reasons for not making satisfactory academic progress. The appeal will be reviewed within two weeks of submission to the Financial Aid Office. The student will be emailed the decision either granting or denying reinstatement of his/her Federal financial aid by the Office of Financial Aid. Until a decision is made by the committee, any future decisions of enrollment by the student should be under the assumption that federal financial aid will not be provided and that payment of tuition will be the obligation of the student. Decisions of the Appeals Committee can be appealed in writing to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Services within (5) five business days of the Committee email notification.

Probation Status

A successful SAP Appeal will result in the student being moved from "Financial Aid Suspension" to a "Financial Aid Probation" status. This allows the student to continue to receive Federal financial aid for one term or as long as the student is meeting the requirements set forth in their academic plan. The student will be reviewed at the end of their probation term to determine if the student is meeting SAP requirements. If the student is not meeting SAP requirements at the end of the probationary term or is failing to meet the terms of their academic action plan, the student will be moved to a "Financial Aid Suspension" status. Probationary students achieving SAP will have their eligibility for federal aid reinstated and their probationary status removed.

Regaining Eligibility

A student who fails to meet SAP requirements and whose appeal is unsuccessful can regain eligibility for Federal financial aid by completing the number of credit hours necessary to achieve the 67% course completion requirement and minimum cumulative grade point average for the student's degree program as outlined in UTHSC's Academic Bulletin. However, this will be at the student's own expense. When a student believes he/she is meeting SAP requirements, the student must so inform the Financial Aid Office in writing and request a reinstatement of his/her aid eligibility.

Last Published: May 26, 2022