Entrance Counseling & Master Promissory Note (MPN)
If a student have not previously received a Federal Direct Stafford or Federal Parent/Graduate PLUS loan at UTHSC, they must complete Federal Entrance Counseling and a Federal Master Promissory Note (MPN). We encourage students to wait to complete these two items until they have been awarded AND accepted their federal Stafford/PLUS loan for the school year. Once the student has accept the loan, they should visit studentaid.gov. If a student prefers to complete a paper MPN, please contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance.
Although almost all students will be offered a Stafford loan, only a few students might be awarded the Federal Health Professions loan. If so, these loans do not require the students to complete an entrance counseling session but they do require a different Federal Master Promissory Note (MPN) be completed. Once a student accepts their Health Professions loan, they will be sent an email from HeartlandECSI.net requesting that they complete their promissory note for that particular loan.