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Health Sciences Library Awards

The UTHSC Health Sciences Library swept this year’s Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SC/MLA) conference. Authors Lin Wu, Hilary Jasmin, Jenessa McElfresh, Tamara Nelson, Jess Newman, Sarah Thompson, Derita Bran, and Margaret Lynn were awarded the research paper award for their group research paper, “Tapping into an Underserved Group: Clinical Researchers.”

Additionally, three members of the Health Sciences Library were awarded scholarships to cover conference attendance. Tamara Nelson won a Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) Conference Scholarship, Annabelle Smith-Holt won the First-time Attendee Scholarship, and Sarah Thompson won the Library Information Science (LIS) Student Award.

Sarah Thompson, the Library’s Communications Coordinator, also received a Gold Award from the Memphis Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America at their Vox Awards. The award was for a series of Instagram videos featuring artifacts from the Library’s Health Sciences Historical Collections. The videos went viral, with one getting more than a million views, and increased followers of the Library Instagram account by more than 1100%! 

Please extend your congratulations to Lin Wu, Hilary Jasmin, Jenessa McElfresh, Tamara Nelson, Jess Newman, Sarah Thompson, Derita Bran, Margaret Lynn and Annabelle Smith-Holt.

Dec 6, 2022