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Dr. Kuan Xing - UTHSC's first Primary Institutional Representative for the Society of Directors of Research Medical Education!

CHIPS’ very own Kuan Xing, PhD, MEd, was the first person at UTHSC to be accepted into the Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education (SDRME) as a Primary Institutional Representative.

Candidates for Primary Institutional Representative can only apply if they hold a crucial role in medical education at their respective institution, and only if that institution is a medical school or hospital in the United States or Canada. With the submission of Dr. Cindy Russell’s (PhD, RN) recommendation and a comprehensive application packet, Dr. Xing was accepted into SDRME due to his dedication to Medical Education.

The ultimate goal of SDRME is promoting all things medical education and research. With his acceptance into the society, this is exactly what Dr. Xing hopes to do. SDRME can provide its members with a variety of resources, ranging anywhere from newsletters, online webinars and annual meetings all the way to help with grants, career development and special committees. Dr. Xing hopes to share these resources with others here at UTHSC.

Regarding his acceptance into SDRME, Dr. Xing said:

“This is a very unique organization, not every medical school will apply and not every medical school or hospital has the right person, or connection with current members, to be accepted.”

Dr. Xing hopes that his connection to this small, selective group of representatives will help him to continue promote medical education here on campus, as well as outside of our university on behalf of UTHSC.

Please extend your congratulations to Dr. Kuan Xing

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Jun 1, 2023