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Welcome Dr. Brett Kocher, Data Scientist!

Dr. Brett Kocher recently joined AFSA the Data Scientist for the Office of Institutional Research. As a Data Scientist, Dr. Kocher principally tasked with developing and applying advanced statistical models to pull insights from our data that may be hidden deeper beneath its surface. A key part of working in IEDS is interpreting and communicating the results of the analyses. Ultimately, these insights get provided to key strategic decisionmakers so UTHSC can continue to lead the way in providing health-science education to Tennesseans.

Dr. Kocher has an M.S. in Statistics, and a Ph.D. in Economics, having completed his master's after his doctorate, not the usual way of things. Before coming to UT Health Science Center, he first taught university level economics for about ten years. According to Dr. Kocher, his passionate for statistics and data science is brought on by the tools that scientists and mathematicians have given him; learning about these tools, learning how to use them effectively (and ethically), and learning why they work is a joy to him.

According to 
Dr. Kocher "Advanced statistical analysis has long been performed in medical science (biostatistics) and also in many industrial applications (testing computer chips). In these areas there exists the tremendous "cheat code" of randomized control trials (RCTs), which are strictly off-limits in most of the social sciences. Only recently have developments in data science now opened the possibility for similarly advanced statistical techniques to brought to bear in other arenas outside the hard sciences besides finance. Higher education is one of these beneficiaries. As I view it, we have tremendous potential, potential being defined as the distance between capacity and current reality, throughout higher education to use these new data-science techniques. It's my belief in this opportunity that brought me to UTHSC."

Outside of work one of 
Dr. Kocher's personal commitments is the organization the American Macular Degeneration Foundation, and supporting the good work this group does for people experiencing age-related macular degeneration, including his parents. Dr. Kocher is still finding my way around UTHSC, sometimes literally. "I haven't even tried all the restaurants in 910 Madison yet.." said Kocher. Dr. Kocher enjoys exploring new coffee shops here in Memphis or taking courses online, ideally at the same time with the aid of good wi-fi. He is also an avid mountain biker and is hoping to explore local trails as Spring and Summer unfold!

Please extend your warmest welcomes to Dr. Kocher

May 17, 2024