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Dr. Amy Hall, TLC

May 11, 2021

Amy HallDr. Amy Hall’s, TLC instructional consultant, Innovation abstract Pedagogies of the Social Determinants of Health Teaching Excellence Institute:  Improving faculty knowledge of pedagogies recommended to teach social determinants of health (SDoH) via longitudinal faculty development programwas accepted for the 2021 SGEA Staff Track Conference on April 19, 2021.

The SGEA (Southern Group on Educational Affairs) is a committee under the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges). Dr. Hall presented her abstract to staff that support faculty.  Most exciting is this was Dr. Hall’s first time to present to a national audience as opposed to within the UT System.
As a reminder, the UTHSC Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) focuses on the Social Determinants of Health. The World Health Organization defines the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) as “the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at global, national, and local levels.”

The purpose of the QEP is to provide educational experiences, which prepare students to identify and address the SDoH that impact their patients. However, faculty must also be knowledgeable about SDoH and be able to effectively teach this skill set. Last September, the TLC added the Pedagogies of the SDoH track to its Teaching Excellence Institute. This 9-month program, composed of monthly one-hour workshops, reflections, and culminating project, focuses on the recommended pedagogies to teach SDoH including Experiential, Collaborative, and Service Learning. In short, applying knowledge to practical application in the classroom or clinical setting. Dr. Hall’s abstract grew from observing the faculty’s enthusiasm for teaching SDoH and wanting to share the Institute’s impact. Her story had significant impact on the faculty’s view of SDoH. All this served as the inspiration for Dr. Hall’s abstract.

Dr. Tom Laughner, TLC director, shares “Amy’s presentation at SGEA recognizes the great work she’s done on the Pedagogy of the Social Determinants of Health certificate program and the value participants have found in the year-long series.”

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Hall on a winning milestone in her career as well as a win for UTHSC!

May 26, 2022