Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for pre- and post-award administration of Health Science Center sponsored projects when awards are received as grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.
OSP staff strive to provide the highest quality of support to faculty, staff, students, and research administrators by facilitating proposal preparation and submission to sponsors; reviewing, negotiating, and accepting awards; managing award actions; providing support for post-award financial administration; and ensuring proposal and award compliance with the policies and regulations of UT and its sponsors.
The OSP team also provides sponsored programs-related training for university researchers, and supports the development of material transfer agreements and non-disclosure agreements on behalf of the university.
Proposals must be received in OSP workflow by 8:00 am five (5) full business days prior to the sponsor deadline. This policy also applies to submission deadlines for all other sponsoring agencies.
NOTE: all proposals must include a completed Outside Interest Disclosures form before routing in Cayuse. You can confirm the status of Outside Interest Disclosures in the self-service form in Cayuse.