UTHSC Safety Manual
Procedure Number |
Title |
Keywords |
EM5501 |
UTHSC Special Events Emergency Plan |
Assembly, event, crown, security, notification, life safety |
FS5300 |
NFPA, Contractors, fire extinguishers, flammable liquids, storage, evacuation, alarm and suppression systems |
FS5301 |
Fire watch, hot work, fire detection, fire suppression, contractor |
FS5302 |
Extinguishers, training, inspections, selection, installation, maintenance |
FS5303 |
Hot work permit, contractors, welding, grinding, heat treating, training |
GS5102 |
Ladder, inspection, training, procedure, record keeping |
GS5103 |
Hazardous energy, maintenance work, training, lockout devices, lock removal, training, recordkeeping, inspections |
GS5104 |
UTHSC vehicle, operator requirements, maintenance, 15-passenger vans, training, recordkeeping |
GS5105 |
Respirator, medical approval, fit test, training, N95, Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR), vapors, particulates |
GS5107 |
High risk area, maintenance, footwear, hazard, reporting, inspections, reporting |
GS5108 |
Unmanned aircraft, drone, FAA, |
GS5110 |
Smoking, smoke products, e-cigarettes, designated areas, cessation resources, violations |
GS5111 |
Multi-employer work sites, site visits, job site checklist, health and safety plan |
GS5111 |
Safety orientation, UTHSC procedures, incident reporting, fire safety, smoke-free campus, hot work permit, PPE, ladders, aerial lifts, fall protection, barricades, signs, confined spaces, hazard communication, waste management |
GS5112 |
Health and safety plan, air quality, asbestos, excavations, fall protection, hazardous material storage, mold, PPE, fall protection |
GS5113 | Electrical Safety Policy | Electrical equipment, arc flash, wiring, extension cords, contractors, installation, PPE, energized electrical work permit, hand tools, training |
GS5115 | Emergency Eyewash and Safety Showers | Eyewash, shower, inspection, testing |
GS5116 | Confined Space Program | Confined space, permit-required, entry, attendant, training |
GS5117 | Fall Protection | Fall protection, personal fall arrest system, scaffolding, aerial lift, training |
GS5118 | Welding, Cutting, and Brazing | |
GS5200 |
Bloodborne pathogens, sharps injury, patient care, hepatitis vaccination, exposure response |
GS5300 |
Teaching, instruction, laboratory, chemicals, safety data sheets, faculty |
GS5400 |
Injury, claim, workers’ compensation, property damage, auto accident, Corvel, risk management |
HM5100 |
Hazardous chemicals, Safety Data Sheets, chemical inventory, training, labels |
HM5200 |
Compressed gas, gas cylinders, storage, handling management, training, procedures |
HM5200G |
PPE, storage limits, transportation, regulators, labeling, hazard classes, flammable gases, disposal, leaks |
HM5201 |
Biohazard, infectious, waste, red bags, training |
HM5202 |
Drugs, DEA, Tennessee Board of Pharmacy, schedules, recordkeeping, training |
HM5203 |
Chemical waste, hazardous waste, flammable, toxic, corrosive, reactive, listed, disposal |
HM5204 |
Hazardous waste, minimization |
HM5205 |
Formaldehyde, formalin, exposure, monitoring, training, respirator |
HM5206 |
Hazardous materials, transportation, security, risk assessment |
HM5207 |
Hazardous waste, chemical, spill, fire, emergency response, hazardous waste accumulation area |
L501 |
Laser, laser safety, eye protection, beam hazards, non-beam hazards |
NRP01 |
Non-ionizing radiation, UV light, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio frequency (RF), magnetic field, 5 gauss |
RS 001 |
Laboratory, chemical handling, flammable liquids, corrosive, reactive, PPE, fume hoods |
RS 003 |
Laboratory safety, inspections, escalation procedure |
RS 101 |
Minors in labs, prohibited, university-sponsored programs |
RS 102 |
Research, Incidents, accidents, exposures, IBC, IACUC, IRB, Radiation Safety Committee, committee chair |
RS 103 |
Accident, incident, reporting, investigation |
RS 104 |
Lab closure, relocation, moving, responsibilities, department chair, designated individual, waste management, labeling, hazardous materials, disinfection |
RS 105 |
Laboratory set up, checklist, chemical inventory, PPE, biosafety cabinet certification |
RS 106 |
Extension cords, surge protections, laboratories |
RS 107 |
Blood collection, sample collection, Institutional Review Board (IRB) |
RS 202 |
Drugs, controlled substances, research, DEA, documentation, training |
RS 203 |
freezer, specimens, property claim, risk management, -80° C |
RSP20 |
Ultraviolet light, UV |
SA001200 |
alcohol, consumption, approval, university-affiliated, students, employees, event registration |