UTHSC strives to provide a safe campus for all students, staff and visitors.
Anyone with health and safety concerns is encouraged to report their concerns to Campus Safety by emailing, calling 901.448.6114. No one shall be retaliated against in any way for filing a safety and health complaint or grievance. Unsafe conditions on campus can also be reported using the University of Tennessee Office of Risk Management Incident Report Form.
In case of an emergency on campus all students, staff or visitors should call Campus Police at 901.448.4444. Campus Police will respond and, if necessary, call 911 to direct additional first responders to your specific location. Individuals injured on campus should obtain first aid or medical care as necessary to address their injuries. Medical care can be obtained at locations including:
- The Regional One Medical Center Emergency Department located at 877 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN
- University Health Services located at 910 Madison Avenue, Suite 922,
- Other healthcare offices that provide suitable emergency care.
Accidents involving injury or property damage must be reported as described below.
Employee Incidents
Step 1: Report the injury, exposures or occupational illness:
• Employees must report the injury, exposure or illness to their supervisor and call
CorVel at 1.866.245.8588 Option 1
• To ensure that your incident is attributed to the appropriate UTHSC division please
identify your location of employments as one of the following:
• UTHSC Memphis Employees – UT Health Science Center (UTHSC)
• GME Medical Residents – UT Graduate School of Medicine
• UT Family Practice, Memphis
• UT Family Practice, Chattanooga
• UT Family Practice, Knoxville
• UT Family Practice, Jackson
• This is a 24/7 nurse must be called to report the incident and for instructions
to obtain follow-up medical care.
• The NURSE will discuss the appropriate level of treatment needed and direct the
injured worker to the nearest STATE-APPROVED treatment facility.
• If the injured worker agrees to self-care but later changes their mind, he/she must
first call CorVel Option 2 to obtain authorization to treat.
Step 2: If intending to report a claim:
Visit the online Incident Report Form, select On-the-job Injury and provide the requested information about the incident.
Student and Visitor Incidents and property damage
- Notify your instructor, program leader or campus liaison (for visitors) of the incident.
- Report incidents through the University of Tennessee Office of Risk Management Incident Report website.
- Select the General Liability form to report Student or visitor injuries or infectious exposures.