Patient Safety/Quality Improvement (PSQI)
The University of Tennessee Graduate Medical Education Program is committed to the
education and development of exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health
care, foster innovation in patient safety, and create strong inter-professional teams
to promote quality, safety, and value in health care across the continuum.
In the Institute of Medicine publication Crossing the Quality Chasm six specific aims were identified in order for the health care system to deliver quality care. In this short video Dr. Don Berwick will explain the Triple Aim for Healthcare, including population health, cost, and the “STEEEP” principles (which include care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient,, equitable, and patient centered).
An Overview of the IHI Triple Aim
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Open School online courses cover a range of topics in improvement capability; patient safety; triple aim for populations; person- and family-centered care; leadership; and Graduate Medical Education. Courses typically consist of 15- to 30-minute lessons comprised of videos, learning checks, and interactive elements. To complete a course, you must achieve a score of 75% on each post-lesson assessment. Free courses are provided to residents and fellows through the registration process below. No code is required.
IHI Open School Registration
- Visit the IHI Open School website at IHI Log In.
- Click on the "Create an Account" link at the bottom of the page.
- Complete the required information, including your name, UT email address, and list yourself as a resident/fellow (this is what will allow access to courses).
- Log out and log back in to the Open School.
- Choose courses from the second option, which is Open School: English: Student Version
- If you have any difficulty with your registration and accessing the Open School, you may contact IHI Customer Support at 617-301-4800 or 866-787-0831 (M-F 10:00-4:00 ET).
Basic Certificate Courses
A Basic Certificate is earned by completing the 13 courses below. If you are not seeking a certificate, courses may be completed individually.
Improvement Capability
- QI 101: Introduction to Health Care Improvement
- QI 102: How to Improve with the Model for Improvement
- QI 103: Testing and Measuring Changes with PDSA Cycles
- QI 104: Interpreting Data: Run Charts, Control Charts, and other Measurement Tools
- QI 105: Leading Quality Improvement
Patient Safety
- PS 101: Introduction to Patient Safety
- PS 102: From Error to Harm
- PS 103: Human Factors and Safety
- PS 104: Teamwork and Communication in a Culture of Safety
- PS 105: Responding to Adverse Events
- L 101: Introduction to Health Care Leadership
Person- and Family-Centered Care
- PFC 101: Introduction to Person-and Family-Centered Care
Triple Aim for Populations
- TA 101: Introduction to the Triple Aim for Populations
Site | Hospital/Clinic Phone Number | Security Escort Number |
Baptist Memorial Hospital | 901.226.5000 | 901.226.5520 |
Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women | 901.227.9000 | 901.227.9797 |
Baptist Collierville | 901.861.9000 | 901.861.8818 |
Campbell Clinic | 901.759.3100 | |
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital | 901.287.5497 | 901.287.4456 |
Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital | 901.516.9000 | 901.516.6660 |
Methodist South Hospital | 901.516.3700 | 901.581.0770 |
Methodist University Hospital | 901.516.7000 | 901.516.7765 |
Regional One Health | 901.545.7100 | 901.545.7700 or extension 711 |
Saint Francis Hospital | 901.765.1000 | 901.765.2900 |
Semmes Murphey | 901.522.7700 | |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | 901.595.3300 | 901.595.4444 or extension 4444 |
VA Medical Center | 901.523.8990 | 577.7570 or extensions 5595 or 5611 |
If you are interested in information about or joining any committee at Regional One Health, please contact Kayla Ingram at (901.545.7960) and Kayla will connect you with the Committee Chairperson.
Committee | Meeting Frequency | Meeting Location |
Antimicrobial Stewardship | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Code Blue Committee | 1x Quarter | Microsoft Teams |
Falls Committee | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Harm Events Collaborative | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) Prevention | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Infection Prevention | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
M&M Burn Committee | 1x Month | In-person |
Opioid Stewardship | 2x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Organ and Tissue Donation Committee | 1x Quarter | Microsoft Teams |
Policy Committee | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Quality Practice Patient Safety Committee | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
Sepsis Committee | 1x Month | Microsoft Teams |
- American College of Physicians on Patient Safety
- American College of Surgeons on Patient Safety
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- AHA on Quality and Patient Safety
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- AMA Patient Safety: An Overview
- Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality
- AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges Faculty Development Resources
- Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses
- Center for Disease Control
- Choosing Wisely
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- FMEA Worksheet
- Free from Harm
- Healthcare Matrix
- Institute for Safe Medical Practices
- The Joint Commission on Patient Safety
- National Patient Safety Foundation
- Preventing a Failure Before Any Harm is Done
- Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Ulcers Toolkit
- Root Cause Analysis
- Universal Protocol (Timeout for Procedures)
- Using a Healthcare Matrix (Bingham)
- VA National Center for Patient Safety
- World Health Organization on Patient Safety
- WHO Surgical Safety Checklist