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Scholarships and Grants

Lee and Jennie Beaumont Endowment Fund: Fellowships are awarded for research in the field of arthritis and connective tissue diseases.

Belz Family Scholarship Endowment Fund: Scholarships are awarded to incoming students based on scholastic ability, leadership potential, and dedication to the health sciences as a career and profession.

CGHS Travel Awards/John Autian Student Enrichment Fund: A limited number of travel awards (TA) to national meetings are available for students in the College of Graduate Health Sciences. To be considered, students must be registered full-time; students admitted to PhD or MS candidacy at the time the application will be given priority. TAs will be awarded only to students who have been accepted to present a paper, abstract, poster, or competitive course or workshop. Awards are not available unless the student is specifically invited or selected to attend. Recipients are limited to two (2) travel awards per academic year. Applications should be received in the Dean's Office.

Edward and Bernice Humphrey Scholarship Endowment Fund: Scholarships are awarded to incoming students based on scholastic ability, leadership potential, and dedication to health science research as a career and profession. 

Morton H. and Myra M. Friedman Scholarship Endowment Fund: Scholarships are awarded to students in the interdisciplinary program and whose research advisor is in the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology. The awards are based on scholastic ability, financial need, dedication to anatomy as a career or profession, and community involvement.

Alma and Hal Reagan Endowment Fund:Fellowships are awarded to students working in the area of cancer research. To be considered, a student must be in the second through fourth year of study and involved in research into the causes of and possible cures for cancer. Applicants should submit
the following to their Program Graduate Training Committee:

  1. Completed application form
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. Transcript (undergraduate and graduate)
  4. Two letters of recommendations (one from the student's research advisor)

All programs/tracks in the College may submit one finalist per year. The application is due in the Dean's office by the close of business on September 18, 2020.

Further information about any of these fellowships and scholarships is available from the Dean's Office.

Below are links to websites that have searchable databases to locate funding opportunities:

Some of these sites have filters or lists of funding resources specifically for international students.

Feb 14, 2025