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CGHS Student Forms

Student Health Verification

All students enrolled at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center must have health insurance. Students may choose to enroll in either the UTHSC Student Health Insurance Plan or provide their own personal health insurance policy.

The UTHSC Student Health Insurance Plan is student-focused for protection of students and dependents at school, at home, and while traveling or studying abroad. Specific plan information and enrollment forms can be obtained from University Health Services.

If you wish to be covered by a different personal health insurance policy, you must complete an on-line Insurance Verification Form. THE INSURANCE VERIFICATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE YOUR COLLEGE REGISTRATION DATE. If you do not submit your insurance verification form before you register, you will be charged the cost of the student-only coverage under the UTHSC Student Health Insurance Plan. Click on the Student Health Services link in the above paragraph and you will be able to access the Insurance Verification Form by scrolling down the page to the appropriate link.

Leave Request

Students should keep their their mentor and program director informed of any absence. The Collegeabsence policy requires that a student who will be absent for more than four weeks must receive prior written approval.

To request leave of more than four weeks, please complete theStudent Leave Request Form.

Committee Appointment

After a student has chosen an Advisor, the student must construct a Faculty Committee. The Faculty Committee's responsibility is to help with the student's educational and professional development. There are specific requirements and guidelines in the Faculty Committee policy for the composition of the student's Faculty Committee.

A student may select or change their faculty committee at "CGHS Students' Faculty Committees" . The "Select or change faculty committee" link on each student's page at "CGHS Students' Faculty Committees" allows students to name or modify their Faculty Committee.

The faculty committee must be approved by the College of Graduate Health Sciences BEFORE the first (inaugural) committee meeting occurs. Failure to obtain approval may result in administrative cancellation of the meeting.

Annual Student Progress Report

The CGHS requires a progress report at least once in each academic year beginning in your second year of study. Use this link to obtain the Progress Report form: "CGHS Students' Faculty Committees." After obtaining the form, print it, get the committee signatures, attach any addenda material, and give it to your Program Director. The Program Director will complete the form and submit it to the Dean's office.

Application for Admission to Candidacy

Admission to degree candidacy is granted after a student successfully completes their program's requirements and the student verifies that they have a GPA of 3.0 or greater. Use this link to obtain the Admission to Candidacy form: "CGHS Students' Faculty Committees." After obtaining the form, print it, get the committee signatures, and give it to your Program Director, who will complete it and submit it to the Dean's office. Attach a copy of your UTHSC transcript from the Registrar.

Admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree must be granted at least two semesters prior to the date on which the dissertation is to be submitted.

Admission to candidacy for the Master’s degree must be granted no later than the end of the second month in the semester in which the thesis/project is to be submitted.


Report of Final Examination (Defense)

In cooperation with your research advisor, schedule your oral defense with your committee and program chair; notify the CGHS Office of the date, time, title, and location of your defense. The defense must be scheduled early enough to allow you time to make revisions, have them reviewed by your committee, and get original signatures on your Approval page. Be sure to allow for committee members who are out of town, at conferences, on vacation, etc.

Distribute your thesis/dissertation to every member of your committee for review.

Electronic thesis/dissertation format review instructions.

Take the Report of Final Examination form to your defense to obtain signatures from your committee.

After you have successfully defended, make an appointment with the CGHS Office to discuss graduation requirements and to complete paperwork.

Note for students at St. Jude: After you have successfully defended your dissertation, you must also make an appointment for an exit interview with the Director of Academic Programs (495-2750).

On or before the thesis/dissertation deadline, deliver one signed copy of the "Report of Final Examination" form with original signatures of your committee to the CGHS Office. All committee members must have signed.

Graduation Checklist

Graduating students must complete each of the following forms.

Survey of Earned Doctorates
If you are graduating with a PhD, you must complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates.

Permanent Address Form
Open the Permanent Address Form. After completing this interactive form, print a copy for yourself and take or send the form to the CGHS office.

Exit Interview Questionnaire
Open the Exit Interview Questionnaire. After completing the form, print the form, and take the form to the Dean's office along with your Graduate Student Clearance Form (below).

Graduate Student Clearance Form
Open the Graduate Student Clearance Form . After completing the top portion, print the form, call the appropriate offices for clearance, and take the completed form to the CGHS office.

Diploma Application
Open the Diploma Application. After completing this form, print the form and return it signed and dated to the CGHS office. Be sure that the title of your dissertation is identical to that on your Diploma Application.

Mar 17, 2025