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2024 RFID - Important Things to Know

  1. UT Health Science Center contractors, vendors, and affiliates will be contacted and provided a scheduled pickup date for new permits.

  2. Pay machines will be activated the same day your cardless access is live. The card machines on the outer lanes of the Plaza garage accept CC payments only. The middle lane accepts coupon validation cards, cash and credit – coins are not accepted.

  3. Payment is expected at the exits for students, employees, and visitors who pull guest tickets for entry into revenue lots (H, P, and O). We ask that you refrain from pulling guest tickets if you are a student or employee. Vehicles utilizing UT Health Science Center parking must be registered in the parking system. Multiple permits will not be issued. To avoid payment at garage exits, subscribers are expected to transfer the permit between vehicles.

  4. If your gate denies access, you are possibly not authorized to enter this area. If you feel there is an error related to your access level, press the call button on the ticket dispenser for immediate assistance.

  5. Your higher-end vehicle may have glass that retracts an RFID signal. If you approach your assigned lot and the gate does not respond, simply place the permit against your driver’s side window and the gate should respond. IF this does not correct the problem, please see Parking Services.

  6. Please do not walk under a raised gate. Do not hesitate when driving underneath a raised gate. When the gate is lifted, you should continue to drive at a safe speed to ensure the gate does not lower unexpectedly and damage equipment or your vehicle. Warning signs are visible on the gate arms regarding motorcycle and pedestrian entry.

  7. Access system issues will be reported immediately to the campus and gates will be in a raised position until the issue is resolved.

  8. Anti-pass back is a security system feature primarily used to prevent users from passing their credentials (access cards or similar devices) back to a second person to enter a controlled area. To ensure a seamless entry and exit, do not use your credentials to allow others in or out of the garage. Please encourage subscribers and guests with access issues to press the call button for assistance.

  9. The pay machine located in the Delta Dental patient lot will be active on Monday, September 16, 2024. Please reserve this lot for dental patients and visitors. Students and employees are expected to park in their assigned areas. Payment is required at the exit for students and employees who pull guest tickets.

  10. Dental students matriculating to their 3rd or 4th year are required to visit Parking Services and receive a new sticker and access for their RFID permit.

  11. Replacement RFID permits are $26.00 without a police report.

  12. Replacement RFID headlamp stickers are $30.00 without a police report.

Last Published: Sep 4, 2024