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Sexual Assault

Sexual assault (sex offenses) is any sexual act directed against another person, without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

As it relates to the Clery Act, the four (4) types of sexual assault are rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape.

What To Do If You are a Victim of Sexual Assault or Misconduct

Get to a safe place.

Talk to someone you trust. As soon as you are in a safe place, tell someone you can trust about the incident - a roommate, friend, resident advisor or resident director, minister, or counselor - someone who can provide emotional support and objectively help you to make a plan.

Preserve all physical evidence. Do not change your clothing, bathe, shower, use the bathroom, brush your teeth, wash your hands, or comb your hair. If you change clothes, you should place all of your clothing that was worn at the time of the incident in a paper (not plastic) bag.

Seek medical attention. You may seek medical care at any time after unwanted sexual activity without reporting a crime or notifying the police. If you think you might want to prosecute, you are strongly encouraged to have a rape examination for the collection of evidence. A medical professional will examine you, provide appropriate medical treatment, and talk with you about prevention of venereal disease and pregnancy. UTHSC Police are available to take you to the hospital or the YWCA, safe haven location, for a medical examination. A description of the YWCA’s services can be found at Receiving a medical examination does not mean that you must make a formal report to the University or law enforcement.

Seek counseling. Victims who wish to speak confidentially with someone about the incident may call a licensed practitioner in University Health Services (901.448.5630; after 5:00 p.m. call 901.541.5654) or Student Behavioral Health (901.541.5654) or the Crisis Center (901.274.7477) at any time. A counselor or specially trained staff member can help a victim explore options, provide information, and provide emotional support. Whether you seek immediate assistance or choose to wait for a period of time after the assault, counseling can help you deal with the psychological residue and begin the healing process. Report the incident. The University strongly encourages individuals to report sexual assault to appropriate officials because it is the only way that action can be taken against an alleged violator of University policy. Timely reporting and a medical examination within 72 hours are critical in preserving evidence and responding effectively, but an individual may report an incident at any time. Reporting an incident to the University allows the University to take steps to prevent the recurrence of harassment and correct its discriminatory effects, if appropriate. You may report the incident to the University regardless of whether you choose to press formal criminal charges.

To the Victim’s Advocate

You may report the incident to the University’s Victim’s Advocate in University Health Services at 901.448.5630. The Victim’s Advocate can assist you in:

  • Obtaining medical and/or psychological care;
  • Reporting the incident to the police;
  • Reporting the incident to the University’s Student Conduct Officer or the Title IX Coordinator;
  • Contacting off-campus resources such as rape crisis centers or support groups;
  • Addressing academic concerns; and
  • Exploring interim and remedial measures, such as obtaining a no-contact directive, making alternative housing arrangements, modifying academic schedules, and addressing other academic concerns such as absences, missed assignments, grades, incompletes, and withdrawals.
To the University’s Title IX Coordinator

You may report the incident to the University’s Title IX Coordinator:

Michael Alston, EdD
Title IX Coordinator
Office of Access and Compliance
920 Madison, Suite 825; Memphis, TN 38163
Phone: 901.448.2112
Fax: 901.448.1120

To Law Enforcement

To Law Enforcement. You are encouraged to report the incident to the University of Tennessee Police Department by calling 448-4444. If the incident occurred off campus, then call 911.

Why should you report the incident to UT Police? Reporting an incident to UT Police helps:

  • apprehend the alleged assailant;
  • preserve future options regarding criminal prosecution, University disciplinary action, and/or civil action against the perpetrator; and
  • protect you and others from future sexual assaults or misconduct by the same person.
    UT Police and the Memphis Police Department are available to take you to the hospital or to the local Sexual Assault Crisis Center for a medical examination.

What happens when you report the incident to UT Police? When an incident is reported, a UT Police officer will inform you about University and external resources that are available to you, including information concerning the preservation of evidence, obtaining medical care, and contacting the University’s Victim’s Advocate. The officer will also complete an Incident Report. Primary responsibility for the investigation of sexual offense cases rests with the Memphis Police Department. UT Police will make arrangements for a victim to meet with an officer for the City of Memphis, who will prepare a written report. The report will be important to you in case you wish to bring charges, immediately or at a later date. You may be asked questions about the scene of the crime, witnesses, and what happened before and after the incident. You should be aware that the Incident Report registered with UT Police and the report made to the Memphis Police Department are considered part of the public record, which means they would be made available to any Tennessee citizen upon request. It is always your option whether to notify the UT or Memphis police (901.448.4444).


Campus Contact Information

Sex Offender Registry

Jul 26, 2024