Psychoacoustics Lab
Directed by Mark Hedrick, Ph.D.
The Psychoacoustics Laboratory is located at the UT Conference Center and is designed to conduct research both at the Master's and Ph.D. levels in the areas of psychoacoustics and speech perception. The laboratory includes Tucker-Davis Technologies complete psychoacoustic and speech perception/analysis components. In addition, the laboratory has one double-walled booth.
- Perceptual abilities of listeners with hearing loss
- Speech perception by listeners with normal hearing and listeners with hearing loss
- Elucidation of frequency and temporal coding mechanism
Our lab has some upcoming projects that will involve individuals with hearing loss
and who may wear either hearing aids or cochlear implants. We hope that our research
will lead to better hearing health care outcomes for individuals with communication
difficulties. We are most grateful for your participation – we could not accomplish
our research without you!
Please email the laboratory at for participation opportunities.