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Promotion in rank is not only a recognition of past achievement but also a recognition of promise and a sign of confidence that the individual is capable of greater responsibilities (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.7).


Career development for non-tenure and tenure track faculty members includes continually increasing academic achievement as marked by the progression to the rank of professor. Guidelines and process for promotion in academic rank are the same for both non-tenure track and tenure track faculty members (Faculty Handbook, Sections 6.8 and 6.9).

Some faculty members may be recommended early for promotion in rank. However, this is an exceptional request that must be accompanied by letters of explanation from the Chair to the Dean and from the Dean to the UTHSC Chief Academic Officer.

Request for Early Promotion Checklist

The Department Chair may delegate his or her responsibility for recommending promotions to other individuals. The procedure for the Review for Promotion in Rank should include the following elements (a more detailed description can be found in the Faculty Handbook, Appendix N):

  1. The Chair should counsel the faculty member concerning updating his or her curriculum vitae and the identification of supporting documentation to be submitted to the faculty peers (Faculty Handbook, Section 5.9.1).
  2. The departmental faculty peers (or Collegiate Promotion and Tenure Committee if no departmental committee exists) will review the dossier, derive a numerical evaluation using the promotion metric scoring system (see UTHSC Scoring System for Promotion and the Metric Matrix), and meet for the purpose of recording a formal, anonymous vote on the recommendation for promotion in rank (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.1).
  3. The Chair reviews the dossier(s) and considers the recommendation(s) of the faculty peers. Then, the Chair makes a recommendation concerning each faculty member under consideration (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.2).
  4. In a case in which the promotion in rank is recommended, the Chair prepares a letter of nomination to the Dean (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.2). If the recommendation of the Chair is negative, the Chair must inform the candidate in writing of the decision, stating that the faculty member may appeal such a negative decision to the Dean. (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.2)
  5. All required documents (Form 5 and all attachments) must be forwarded from the department to the collegiate academic officer and the College Promotion and Tenure Committee (CPT Committee) by the end of January (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.3).
  6. All positive recommendations of the Department Chair must be reviewed by the Dean of the College.
  7. After making an independent judgment on the candidacy, the Dean shall forward all recommendations to the UTHSC Chief Academic Officer (Form 5 and all attachments) (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.4).
  8. During April, all positive recommendations of the UTHSC Chief Academic Officer shall be reviewed by the Chancellor (Faculty Handbook, Section 6.8.6).
  9. Subsequent to positive action by the President, the Chancellor and Dean shall give the faculty member and Chair written notice of the effective date of the promotion in rank.

No promotion should be made solely based on points, although the point system defines a minimum level of accomplishment that must be met by the faculty of all colleges at the health science center.

UTHSC Scoring System for Promotion and the Metric Matrix

Promotion Metric Matrix (Form 10 – in PDF or Excel version)

Jul 18, 2024