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OAC 101

The Office of Access and Compliance offers multiple avenues for learning, training, thinking, reporting, advancing, and reflecting in culture as a strategic business driver that directly impacts organizational climate, effectiveness, and reputation.


Workplace Certificate Program

The Workplace Certificate Program initiative is an educational opportunity for students, trainees, staff, and faculty and aligns with UT Health Science Center’s strategic plan. The Level I WCP is a five-week online offering, and the Level II WCP is a eight-week cohort in the fall and spring.

Inclusive Engagement Program

This 30-day experiential program was made to be flexible and help UTHSC students, trainees, staff, and faculty explore worldviews.

Book Club At The Center

Do you love to read? Do you love to debrief the books you read? Look no further than this book club. You may even win a FREE book!

Give to Access and Compliance

Are you seeking to make a charitable donation to help ensure access on campus? We have a fund set up ready for you to donate!

Request an Education Package

Many departments seek learning opportunities to enhance their teams’ knowledge and understanding. Therefore, OAC offers educational packages to accommodate the group at a mere request!

File a Complaint

Have you seen or experienced some form of misconduct or discrimination? We can help.

Advisory Counsel for Access and Culture

Chaired by OAC’s AVC Dr. Michael Alston, this council consists of representatives appointed by the Chancellor who meet and discuss ways to achieve the access and engagement metrics outlined in the strategic plan.

Engagement Matters Newsletter

This newsletter consists of articles sourced through communications and marketing and various departments on campus as well as original content drafted by OAC. The monthly editions are available online and archived for viewing at any time.

Inclusion and Condolences Listservs

OAC is the owner of the inclusion listserv and moderates the content sent to its subscribers who may request opting out of receiving messages. Likewise, the condolences listserv serves as a voluntary channel to share information about faculty and staff who have experienced the transitioning of loved ones or coworkers. Approval of messages to the listservs is subject to the discretion of the OAC staff.

For more information about the Office of Access and Compliance, explore our website!

Mar 14, 2025