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Motivational Interviewing Certification Program

Training in motivational interviewing (MI) is the cornerstone of all our training and certification programs for non-clinical and clinical healthcare workers seeking to deliver more patient-centered and effective care. For that reason, it is a prerequisite for our health coach and community health worker training


Who: All non-clinical and clinical healthcare workers seeking to provide more patient-centered care.

What: An interactive, self-paced program with six modules that provides comprehensive training and certification in the motivational interviewing approach.

When: This training is available now and can be completed at your own pace/convenience.

Where: Online. Training with partner activities completed by phone/conference call.

How: Lectures, practice activities, videoclips, partner activities with review questions, and competency assessment of coaching skill set using a standardized patient.

Requirements for Successfully Completing the Course:  Satisfactory completion of modules, assignments, and competency assessment, including standardized patient experience, mentoring, and feedback.

Certification levels provided:  All those completing course requirements will be certified as either Level 1 (Client-centered), Level 2 (Competent), or Level 3 (Proficient) in MI based on their completed competency assessment.

Estimated time required: 12 hours

Fee: $750 – Includes online training modules, competency assessment, and standardized patient experience. 50% discount available for Tennessee Population Health Consortium Members and Partner Organizations. This training is provided for free for two new or existing employees of practices that are fully participating in the TN Heart Health Network study. Contact your TN-HHN practice facilitator if you are eligible.

Jul 21, 2022