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Join TN-POPnet

Join the Tennessee Population Health Data Network (TN-POPnet) now and work with us to bring the following benefits to the people of Tennessee and health care providers that serve them.

Benefits to the people of Tennessee

Through TN-POPnet we are tracking our progress as a state in:

    • Reducing obesity, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, cancers, and associated disability and death
    • Increasing access to primary care and decreasing preventable emergency and hospital visits

Benefits to Tennessee Health Systems, Providers, and Practices

    1. Practice Improvement Reports -Participants get regular feedback through quarterly Practice Improvement Reports [link to the attached pdf]. TN-POPnet Practice Improvement Reports supplement internal quality improvement (QI) reporting often offering more comprehensive data and valuable regional comparisons. We provide partners enhanced ability to track key practice data on processes and outcomes of chronic disease care and to use it to improve care.
    2. Motivational Text Messaging -Participating providers can offer their patients a proven turn-key heart health reminder system to provide friendly motivation and education to their high-risk patients
    3. Practice-based QI Research -We offer providers opportunities to participate in real-world research with potential to help them improve the care of the people they serve
    4. Meaningful Use -TN-POPnet component registries fully qualify as specialized registries for the purpose of achieving meaningful use of electronic health records


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Jan 12, 2023