Print Services
The Print Services team provides all the printing for the UTHSC campus, from black
and white copies to full color brochures, with a quick turnaround.
1. Submit a print request via email, campus mail, or in person.
2. Provide the documents for copying or printing in digital format or as a hard copy.
3. If you have questions please contact us, and 901.448.5553.
4. You will be notified via email when a print request is completed.
5. Make arrangements for delivery or pick up.
Note: Your print request may be forwarded to Communications and Marketing for branding compliance. We will notify you if your documents require this step.
Our goal is to meet your deadlines for production and delivery of your print job.
Small in house printing and copy requests average 1-2 days
Research and mounted posters 2-3 days
Business cards and stationary 5 days after approval
If you have questions please contact us, and 901.448.5553.
We also accept check, MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit cards.
Jeff Badoud
Director, Print and Mail Services
Daniel Morse
Print Services Manager
Robert St. Clair
Graphic Designer