Closeout your CME Activity
The College of Medicine Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) requires that
a live activity which has been approved for CME / CE credit(s) be closed out within
thirty (30) days post date of the activity. This is necessary for the learners who
participated in the activity to receive their CME or CE certificates, follow-up evaluations
to be sent to participants, and for accurate activity details to be reported in PARS,
the database of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
Use these forms to closeout CME activities that were certified by the UT College of
Medicine (UTCOM) and to request issuance of the CME credit certificates (AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™).
CME Activity Closeout form - This form must be completed to closeout a CME activity and request issuance of continuing education certificates.
Required Attachments:
Participation Report - A participation report for all CME activities is required for the CME department to create the appropriate credit certificates. All participation reports need to be Excel spreadsheets and must include the first name, last name, email address and participation hours for each learner. If CME credit certificates are to be mailed directly to the attendees, this report must include the address, city, state & zip code for each learner.
Summary of Evaluations - This summary of the evaluations must be received with the participation report for your CME activity. All summaries of evaluations must include a) how many evaluations were received and b) either a few sentences summarizing the feedback received or the number of people who responded each way for each question. The Office of CME will assist with the creation of an evaluation method as needed.
Continuing Education Credit Requests – Any live / in-person CME activity (symposium, DVP lecture, forum) with more than 2 hours of CME content will require a Credit Request form (supplied by our office) from each learner that wants to receive CME credit.
For additional information and resources on closing out your UTCOM-certified CME activity, contact your Office of CME.
Record Keeping for your CME Activity - Each Office of CME (Chattanooga, Knoxville and Memphis) at the UTCOM keeps the files for its CME activities for at least 6 years.