Resident Stories

One thing that really stands out to me is the fact that every sub-specialty of Urology is represented in this program. I have enjoyed getting to know the residents, and was really drawn to the idea of playing a significant role in shaping the future of this growing program.
David Thompson, MD – Graduate

Training in Chattanooga has been a blessing. This program is experiencing exciting growth as we expand our department with residents and faculty. It is a particular privilege to provide care for the underserved patient population from the surrounding areas. While geographic proximity to my family influenced my choice of training location, this program quickly became my second family. For future residents seeking a comprehensive, all-specialty training program nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Chattanooga is worth considering.
Alex Hwang, MD – PGY-4 Resident
From left to right: Alex Hwang, MD, Sunny Roy, MD Chief Resident, Matt Watson, DO (graduate), Michael Tonzi, MD (graduate), David Thompson, MD (graduate)