GHHS UTCOM Chapter M2 Care Packages
On March 3 and 4, 2022, our UT College of Medicine GHHS Chapter distributed CARE Packages to members of the M2 Class as they are preparing for the journey through the USMLE Step 1. Gift bags filled with ear plugs, pens, sticky notes, encouragement cards, and sweet treats were shared and were "meant to bring some joy to this exciting and stressful time."
GHHS Representatives met the M2 students as they were going in or out of their final OSCE sessions.
The GHHS members included messages like this one: "Best of luck! Remember to take care of yourself. You've accomplished so much to get where you are, and we know that each of you is more than capable of rising to the challenge of Step 1. Be kind to yourself along the way and know that we are rooting for you!"
Below are photos shared by our GHHS Members: