Director's Message

"Building on the diverse research portfolio and by leveraging UTHSC’s core strengths
in medicine, research, nursing, allied health, and social sciences we hope to save
many lives, improve equity in healthcare and influence health policies in Tennessee,
nationally and internationally. "
– Denis A. Foretia, MD MPH MBA FACS
Director - CMGH
The Center for Multicultural and Global Health at UTHSC collaborates with local, state, and international partners to build relationships, expand student, resident and faculty insights on multicultural health delivery that addresses global health challenges, and nurtures the next generation of global health leaders. We seek sustainable ways of reducing healthcare disparities and other inequalities in Tennessee and worldwide.
At CMGH we pursue innovative educational programs both locally and with our global partners to strengthen the understanding of multicultural and global health issues by our students, residents, fellows, and other trainees. Experiences gained abroad are an important component in broadening our understanding of health systems and the challenges inherent in each.
All four campuses within the UTHSC are involved in expanding, as a core focus, our work on multicultural and global health. This includes faculty from all eight colleges. In actively supporting CMGH the Chancellor and the university’s leadership has made a strong commitment in leveraging the capacities and resources of all campuses.
Building on the diverse research portfolio and by leveraging UTHSC’s core strengths in medicine, research, nursing, allied health, and social sciences we hope to save many lives, improve equity in healthcare and influence health policies in Tennessee, nationally and internationally. This is our calling, and we hope you will join forces with us to make it a reality.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Denis A. Foretia, MD MPH MBA FACS
Director - CMGH