Animal Models Shared Resource
The mission of the Animal Models Shared Resource of the UTHSC Center for Cancer Research
is to promote advancement of the understanding of cancer biology and the development
of novel therapeutics.
The AMSR instrumentation includes:
Expertise and services provided by AMSR include:
- Maintenance of a colony to provide investigators with immunocompromised mice
- Assistance and training with orthotopic and heterotopic tumor implantation
- Non-invasive live animal bioluminescent tumor imaging
- Tumor measurements
- Development of cancer stem-like cell cultures and establishment of xenograft tumors from fresh tumor biopsies
- Advice on experimental design
- Guidance on efficient use and novel applications of imaging methodologies
- Customized imaging protocols based on up-to-date research
- Training in image processing and quantitative analysis
- Interpretation of data for project management
- Support for preparing scientific manuscripts and grant proposals.
- Location of IVIS Lumina XRMS and for more information: Gerwin Small Animal Imaging Center
- Location of Hematology Analyzer: Room 137 Cancer Research Building
Faculty Director
Lawrence Pfeffer, PhD
Muirhead Professor of Pathology