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Fellowship Structure

Burn/Chandler -first 2 months (18 shifts/month)

  1. Transition into healthcare system
  2. Introduction to niche surgical procedures
  3. Anesthesia for the complex Burn Patient
  • Airway Management of patients with inhalation injury
  • Volume Resuscitation specific to burn patients
  • Monitoring & Drug Response in the acutely burned patient
  • Optimization of the acutely burned patient

Trauma OR/Call - 8 months -  8x 24hr shifts

  1. prehospital assessment and transport
  2. Introduction to the trauma system
  3. preoperative emergency room evaluation and stabilization
  4. operative trauma anesthesia care
  • Trauma Physiology, Coagulation and Management
  • Non-Technical Skills Development
    • Mentorship in the management of critical incidents
  1. postoperative critical care and pain management in postanesthesia care unit
  2. Clinical skills i.e. Tubes, Lines, Drains, Diagnostic POCUS, TEE
  3. Advanced Airway skills to manage our more complex airways that are seen at ROH

TICU/BICU - 1mo.

Clinical Knowledge:

  • Goal to care for postoperative trauma patients
  • During this rotation, the Fellow will participate in multidisciplinary rounds and decision-making in advancing the care of trauma patients.
  • Fellow will function in the capacity of a trainee in the TICU under the supervision of the ICU attending.
  • Understand the different labs that are used for diagnosing complex comorbidities
  • Understand different ventilator strategies
  • Understand the acute care surgeon perspective for caring for the burn and traumatic ICU patient

Clinical Skills:

  • Chest Tube/finger thoracostomy
  • CVC or Dialysis Catheter placement
  • Bronchoscopy

Research/Acute Pain - 1mo.

  • Diagnostic POCUS course to learn how to evaluate patients with unknown or suspected cardiopulmonary diseases, which decreases the amount of cardiology consults and echocardiography orders prior to taking the patient back to the OR for surgery.
  • Acute Pain training to teach the fellows how to place blocks properly to decrease opioid administration.


  • BLS
  • ACLS
  • ATLS

**UTHSC will provide and pay for all certifications.


Sim Center                                          Independent Reading Curriculum                       

Trauma Anesthesia Journal Club                   Trauma Lectures

Participation in trauma-specific meetings

  • Trauma Peer Review – 3rd Tuesday each month
  • Trauma Multidisciplinary Meeting - 3rd Tuesday each month

Participation in departmental teaching activities

  • Present at Departmental Grand Rounds – this may either be an interesting trauma case presentation or a presentation on any other trauma anesthesia-related topic.
  • Give trauma-anesthesia-related lecture to the anesthesia residents
  • Participate in simulation-based teaching session for anesthesia residents.

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Mar 28, 2025