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Services and Fees

UTHSC Investigators: Before preparing the samples, please read the sample preparation guidelines and requirements for an application of interest or contact the facility. Initial consultations are free.

Examples of Consultation Services Offered (Fees may apply):

  • Research project design
  • Sample preparation, processing recommendations, experimental design
  • Letters of support, assistance in grant application
  • Assistance in manuscript preparation

For Metabolomic Services:

Please contact the Biological and Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core (BSMMSC) at UT Knoxville. 



Fee Structure for UTHSC Internal and External Users

  • UTHSC Internal Users – Please use fee schedule for services listed below to calculate total service cost
  • External Users - Please use fee schedule for services listed below to calculate total service cost and then add 50%
Sample Preparation Services
Services Service Code Unit $$/unit (FY24-25)
Agilent QC test - up to 10 amples per chip 100 per chip 61.50
In-gel trypsin digestion 101 per band 49.19
In-solution trypsin digestion 102  per sample 49.19
In-solution LysC/trypsin digestion 102a   per sample 73.80
Reduction/alkylation 103   per sample 24.62
Desalting of peptide mixtures - ZipTip 104   per sample 12.31
Detergent removal/clean-up through acetone precipitation of proteins 105   per sample 24.62
Protein concentration - BCA assay in triplicates - at least 3 samples 106 per sample 24.62
Peptide (mixture) concentration - BCA assay in triplicates - at least 3 samples 107 per sample 24.62
High pH Reversed-Phase (HpHRP) Fractionation - 8 step fractions 110 per sample


Complete sample processing starting from cleared cell lysate, membrane pellets, or cell pellets   
Processing for following LC/MS/MS analysis 111 set-up 245.98
  111a per sample 61.50
Processing for following label-free differential protein expression analysis 112 set-up 245.98
  112a per sample 61.50
Processing for following TMT/iTRAQ labeling 113 set-up 245.98
  113a per sample 61.50
TMT/iTRAQ labeling/preparation for LC and MS analysis, 4-plex (set of 4 samples) 114 per set 860.96
TMT/iTRAQ labeling/preparation for LC and MS analysis, 6-plex (set of 6 samples) 116 per set 1,229.88
TMT/iTRAQ labeling/preparation for LC and MS analysis, 8-plex (set of 8 samples) 118 per set 1,537.35
TMT/iTRAQ labeling/preparation for LC and MS analysis, 10-plex (set of 10 samples) 119 per set 1,660.34
TMT/iTRAQ labeling, 16-plex (set of 16 samples) 120 per set 1,744.54
TMT/iTRAQ labeling, 16-plex (set of 16 samples) 120a per set 2,021.55
TMT/iTRAQ labeling, 18-plex (set of 18 samples) 120b per set 2,200.00
TiO2 enrichment of phospho-peptides 121a per run 196.97
Fe-NTA enrichment of phospho-peptides 121b per run 196.97
SMOAC (TiO2+Fe-NTA) enrichment of phospho-peptides 121c per run 337.65
Mass Spectrometry Services - Direct Infusion
Services Service Code Unit $$/Unit (FY24-25)
Determination of the Molecular Mass: More Information here.
Infusion ESI-HRAM MS analysis - small analyte 201 per sample 59.71
Intact protein 202 per sample 95.52
Mass Spectrometry Services - Proteomics
Service Service Code Unit

$$/Unit (FY24-25)

Protein Identification: More Information here.

LC/MS/MS, DB search (does not include sample digestin/preparation)

RP LC/MS/MS - 30 min gradient 300 per sample 86.08
RP LC/MS/MS - 60 min gradient 301 per sample 135.29
RP LC/MS/MS - 120 min gradient 302 per sample 221.38
RP LC/MS/MS - 240 min gradient 304 per sample 368.96
MudPIT, DB search (does not include sample digestin/preparation)
6 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 310 per fraction 172.20
7-12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 311 per fraction 166.05
>12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 312 per fraction 159.89

Protein Identification and Mapping of Specified PTMs: More Information here.

LC/MS/MS, DB/PTM search (does not include sample digestin/preparation)

RP LC/MS/MS - 60 min gradient 401 per sample 135.29
RP LC/MS/MS - 120 min gradient 402 per sample 221.38
RP LC/MS/MS - 240 min gradient 403 per sample 368.96
Search for specified PTMs 404 per PTM 36.88

Differential Protein Expression Analysis - iTRAQ/TMT Based Analysis (Reporter Ion quantification): More Information here.

LC/MS/MS, DB search/quantification (does not include sample labeling/preparation)

Unfractionated mixture of labeled peptides - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS 500 per run 245.98
Unfractionated mixture of labeled peptides - 4 hr RP-LC/MS/MS 500a per run 405.86

MudPIT, DB search/quantification (does not include sample labeling/preparation)

6 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 501 per fraction 184.48
7-12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 502 per fraction 178.32
>12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 503 per fraction 172.20

Differential Protein Expression Analysis - SILAC Analysis (Precursor Ion Quantification): More Information here.

LC/MS/MS, DB search/quantification (does not include sample labeling/preparation)

Unfractionated mixture of labeled peptides - 4 hr RP-LC/MS/MS 510 per run 245.98
Unfractionated mixture of labeled peptides - 4 hr RP-LC/MS/MS 510a per run 405.86

MudPIT, DB search/quantification (does not include sample labeling/preparation)

6 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 511 per fraction 184.48
7-12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 512 per fraction 178.32
>12 (SCX or HpHRP) step fractions - 2 hr RP-LC/MS/MS per fraction 513 per fraction 172.20

Differential Protein Expression Analysis - Label Free Analysis (Precursor ion Peak Area Detection): More Information here.

RP-LC/HRAM-MS/MS, post-acquisition analysis (does not include sample digestion/preparation)

RP-LC/HRAM-MS/MS -   60 min gradient 520 per run 159.88
RP-LC/HRAM-MS/MS - 120 min gradient 521 per run 245.98
RP-LC/HRAM-MS/MS - 240 min gradient 522 per run 405.86

Absolute Quantification of Specified (Target) Proteins - Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM)

PRM analysis for peptide quantification (does not include sample digestin/preparation)

RP LC/MS/MS, post-acquisition analysis, Peptide Internal Standard, AUC quantification

RP LC/MS/MS - peptide quantification, 30 min gradient 531 per run 98.39
RP LC/MS/MS - peptide quantification, 60 min gradient 532 per run 153.74
RP LC/MS/MS - peptide quantification, 120 min gradient 533 per run 245.98


Sep 4, 2024