Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission Instructions
DEADLINE: MAY 3 (5pm Central Time)
Graduate & Undergraduate Students (podium or poster presentations)
Postdoctoral Fellows (poster presentation)
Students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation as part of the program. Please follow the required abstract format. View example abstract and style requirements, including:
Please use a 12-point type, 1.15 spaced in Times New Roman font, with a 1" margin left, right, top, and bottom.
- Presentation format request (specify podium or poster)
- Title
- Author(s) start with Presenting authorAffiliations and addresses
- Abstract body composed of background, methods, results, discussions, and conclusion
This section is limited to 250 words if graphics are included (structure, image, etc. The resolution of the attached graphics should be 300 d.p.i.) or 350 words if no graphics are included. Supporting chemical structures are highly encouraged.
- Keywords (3 - 5)
NOTE: Quality (usefulness) of the abstract is a component of judging for the presentation awards.
For uniformity, please adopt the following format for author and title information:
You may, however, wish to provide full author given names rather than simply initials. The name of the presenting author should be underlined, and the primary faculty adviser/sponsor should be indicated with an asterisk (*).
Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract via e-mail as a MSword file attachment to .
(Please send only one E-mail with the subject line “MALTO 2019 abstract”)
You should receive a confirmation E-mail within two business days of sending; if not, please confirm receipt via an additional E-mail or by telephone.
Further contact information and mailing address if needed:
Isaac O. Donkor, Ph.D.
Professor, College of Pharmacy
Associate Dean for Students & Recruitment, CGHS
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
881 Madison Ave., Room 562
Memphis, TN 38163
Phone: 901-448-7736
Fax: 901-4486828