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Teaching Expectations

Education of residents, students and fellows is the backbone of our academic mission. All faculty members are required to teach residents and students in clinical, surgical, and didactic settings. We ask that all faculty review the expectations from time to time.


Faculty Plan and Expectations for Education

Obstetric ED / Evaluation Rotation


  • Eval 7:30 am – 5 pm
  • Eval AM : 7:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Eval PM: 1 pm – 5 pm

Clinical Responsibility

  1. Improve patient care and expedite their experience by minimizing the time to discharge
  2. Direct supervision of every patient evaluated by residents and students
  3. Protecting the opportunity for the intern to participate in second stage of labor, push with patient on L&D and deliver.
  4. Provide supervision/consult to NP / Midwife requesting the same
  5. Supervise ultrasounds done in Eval by residents/students
  6. Postpartum rounds
  7. Floor LARC insertions
  8. Last minute circumcision add Ons
  9. Backup the L&D attending and Gyn Day Backup
  10. Staff the OB and Gyn consults in Level I ED
  11. Complete a written/electronic evaluation on the residents and students for that shift in order to improve formative and summative feedback.

Evaluations / OB Emergency Department

  • The shift should start with the Attending asking the resident what they wish to learn that day, what weaknesses do they perceive and how they wish to manage their learning.
  • At the end of the shift, the Attending should verbally give feedback on the goals set at the beginning of the shift.
  • The OBED Attending should be present for interaction with resident. They should be physically in proximity most of the time. When the Attending leaves the area, they should inform the resident.
  • Rounding in Evaluations with the Attending will occur at least once every 4 hours.
  • Residents are expected to review the OBED basics prior to shifts
  • The Nurse Practitioner and midwife are expected to assist with clinical coverage to help facilitate student and resident education by faculty.
  • The Chief resident or Attending will assign patients to medical students.  The student is expected to follow the patient and actively participate in management while she is in the unit.

Admission / Management Plans

OBED attending to recommend admission and sign the ED eval note.

L&D attending should sign the H&P and the inpatient/observation management orders/plans.

Unscheduled Procedures in L&D OR

L&D attending to take the primary responsibility of add ons/ unscheduled D&C and Ectopics rolling to the L&D OR with the OBED attending as a backup.

Postpartum Rounds

  • Rounding notes are to be completed prior to coming to turnover.
  • Faculty are expected to have at least one teaching moment with each resident during checkout, but not on each patient.
  • Faculty are expected to see all the postpartum patients that they are attesting notes on as seen.

Overall, active learning and full attention during educational moments are expected from all learners.

Dec 4, 2024