ITS Newsletter Issue 7, January 14, 2020

This communication was generated by UTHSC Information Technology Services to educate and inform our campus community about available technology tools, training opportunities, news and events that will help you and the university achieve excellence in patient care, education, research, and community service.
Let us know what you'd like to see in the newsletter!
In this edition:
  1. Mandatory for All Zoom Licensed/Pro Users: Switch to a Zoom HIPAA Account today!
  2. Don’t Update to macOS 11 (Big Sur) Just Yet!
  3. Blackboard Newsflash!
  4. Application Access and IT Service Catalog
  5. VolShare to be Retired
  6. What Can You Do with OneDrive?
  7. What Can You Do with SharePoint?
  8. What is OnBase?
  9. Microsoft Teams
  10. Storing Zoom Recordings
  11. Survey Tools: Did You Know?
  12. Application Support
  13. Collaboration with Microsoft 365
  14. LinkedIn Learning
  15. Tips of the Week
  16. Cybersecurity

Mandatory for all Zoom Licensed/Pro Users: Switch to a Zoom HIPAA Account today!

ITS has been working with UTK to strengthen Zoom security for the campus!  This new Zoom HIPAA group provides an extra level of protection for all UTHSC Zoom calls and meetings. 

It is time to transition your Zoom Account to the HIPAA Zoom Account. This is a mandatory change for all Zoom Licensed/Pro accounts! 

These instructions are for everyone to help you move to this higher security platform with Zoom.  Please be sure to follow the instructions as soon as possible to invoke this higher level of HIPAA security.

  1. Clear your browser’s cookies and internet cache.
  2. Sign out of your account by clicking on your profile circle in the upper-right hand corner and choosing Sign Out. 
  3. Go to in your browser. 
  4. You will see a message “You are signing into a Zoom account that is different from your current one.” 
  5. Click “Switch to the new account.” 
  6. You will see the message “Before you switch, be aware of the following…” 
  7. Click “I Acknowledge and Switch.” 
  8. You will see the message “Zoom sent an email to the address you signed in with. Check your inbox and follow the instructions.” 
  9. In the email, click “Switch to the new account.” 
  10. After clicking “Switch to the new account,” your browser will navigate to a new page and show the message “Switch to the new Zoom account.” 
  11. Click “I Acknowledge and Switch.” 
  12. You will then see the message “Your Zoom Account Switch Was Successful.” 
  13. Click “Sign in Now” to access your Zoom account that is now in the HIPAA Sub-Account. Be sure to use the SSO option and your NetID and Password. NOTE: you may need to add tennessee to the domain the first time you login. 
  14. Your meetings will now show the following: 
If your account reverts to a Basic account after performing these instructions, log off and log back into Zoom.  Your account should be reset to a Licensed Pro account.

If you have any difficulties, please visit the Zoom webpage for more information or contact the Helpdesk at 901.448.2222.  Visit the Transition Your Zoom Account to a HIPAA Sub-Account

Important Maintenance Update!

Don’t Update to macOS 11 (Big Sur) Just Yet!

In testing, ITS has discovered that macOS 11 (Big Sur) is not compatible with our networking agents AnyConnect and ISE. 

We are still working with Cisco technical support to resolve this issue and will notify the campus as soon as your Mac OS can be safely updated.

Blackboard Newsflash!

We heard you! ITS and TLC have successfully transitioned Blackboard support back to campus, effective January 1, 2021.

Simply email or call 901.448.2222 and the ITS Helpdesk will assist you with resolving your Blackboard issue.  Blackboard Chat is no longer available.

The ITS Helpdesk is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Application Access and IT Service Catalog 

Interested in getting the access you need? Visit the Application Access website.

Curious about what technical tools and services are available on campus?  Visit the IT Service Catalog for more information. 

VolShare to be Retired 

The technology used to store departmental and individual documents and data is retiring.  You may know this as VolShare, MyDrive, a departmental drive, or Isilon. 

UTHSC sees this as an opportunity to move to the next generation of storage, with improved remote accessibility, security, and collaboration capabilities.   

Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint, as well as OnBase by Hyland are the campus solutions for document management!  These tools provide: 

  1. SECURITY: Ensure your documents are safe, even if a device is lost, stolen, or damaged.  All are HIPAA and FERPA compliant. 
  2. AVAILABILITY: Reach your data from anywhere on any device. 
  3. SUPPORT: Take advantage of onsite assistance and training.   
  4. NO COST TO YOU:  Maximize ROI by using existing software solutions.  

During 2021, ITS will be working with individuals and departments to migrate your data and documents to these document management solutions.  Stay tuned for more information or contact to schedule a consultation. 

What Can You Do with OneDrive?

Microsoft OneDrive is a great tool for your document storage needs. You can move existing documents from your hard drive or MyDrive to OneDrive.  This enables you to access your documents remotely from any device without a VPN connection. 

Because OneDrive is cloud-based, no Virtual Private Network (VPN) is needed to access your documents.   In addition, OneDrive has improved version history, accessibility, and security. 

Other benefits of OneDrive: 

  • Provides private document storage to all UTHSC faculty, students and staff 
  • Replaces the need for Dropbox for many users 
  • Provides 5 terabyte of space – which is a LOT! 
  • Designed to work very well with other Microsoft 365 tools
  • Uses the same functions (copy, paste, etc.) that you are familiar with from other Microsoft tools
  • Provides up to 500 versions in Version History that can be restored at any time

Note:  If you are moving documents off your hard drive or MyDrive network drive, you will have to copy to OneDrive and then delete from the original location.  Be sure to verify that all documents moved successfully before deleting.   

Now you are ready to switch to using OneDrive instead of your hard drive or MyDrive network drive for document storage.   

This OneDrive Overview will guide you.  Or, visit the UTHSC OneDrive website for more information.  

What Can You Do with SharePoint?  

Microsoft SharePoint is a great tool for sharing documents with your department, co-workers, and project team members.  Because SharePoint is cloud-based, no Virtual Private Network (VPN) is needed to access your documents.   In addition, SharePoint has improved version history, accessibility, and security. 

Other benefits of SharePoint: 

  • Provides shared document storage to all UTHSC faculty, students and staff 
  • Replaces the need for Dropbox for most users 
  • Provides: 
    • HIPAA and FERPA compliant solution 
    • External Sharing capabilities, which allow collaboration with non-UTHSC colleagues and vendors 
    • Collaboration functionality that allows more than one authorized user to work on a document at the same time 
    • Version history of files and a check-in and out feature  
    • Shared tasks, contacts, calendars, announcements, and link lists  
    • Alerts that email you when things change  
    • OneNote for meeting minutes  

Visit the UTHSC SharePoint website for more information.  

What is OnBase? 

OnBase helps you work smarter, not harder! 

OnBase by Hyland is a document management tool to help UTHSC on the road toward digital transformation. OnBase provides an electronic storage location for your paper, electronic and microfilm/fiche documents. Robust security allows you to decide who can scan, view, redact, and delete documents. 

Interested in converting paper documents to electronic format? OnBase may be the answer for your department! 

Visit the OnBase and the Digital Transformation webpages for more information. 

Storing Zoom Recordings

Due to the potential HIPAA/FERPA nature of many UTHSC Zoom meetings, ITS strongly recommends that Zoom recordings be saved to OneDrive or SharePoint and NOT to the Zoom Cloud.  Local storage (your hard drive) is also an option, but due to the size of the recordings, this is not the best choice.  Departmental recordings should be saved on SharePoint,  where you can control access to multiple users.
Visit Mapping Zoom Recordings webpage for instructions on how to save your recordings to OneDrive or SharePoint. 

To request a new SharePoint site to house departmental recordings, complete the SharePoint Request Form.  

Visit the UTHSC Installing Zoom website for detailed images and information.  

Microsoft Teams

DYK:  You can make a Teams Call using your computer!  

Sound familiar? 

  • Don’t remember a colleague’s phone number? 
  • Know that a colleague is working remotely, but only have their campus phone number? 
  • Need a quick call with a few team members? 

No worries!  Use Teams to call them!  You can do a voice or video call any time with any UTHSC faculty, student, or staff member! 

Simply start a Teams Chat with one or more participants.  Then, click on the phone icons in the upper right corner of the Chat.   

The call will go through your computer.  If you have the Teams app installed on your call phone, you can initiate or receive calls on your cell phone as well! 

Visit the UTHSC Teams webpage for more information.  Interested in individual or group training?  Contact   

Did You Know?

SurveyMonkey is not a UTHSC-supported tool and it cannot provide the same level of security or support to our campus.
For your New Year's Resolution:  Switch to QuestionPro and/or Qualtrics today!

Why?  Because these tools are:

  • No Cost for faculty, staff, and students
  • Supported by ITS, with training and troubleshooting services available to you
  • Secure – ITS works with our vendors to ensure these software tools are HIPAA and FERPA compliant to protect PII, PHI and other sensitive data
  • Powerful functionality, 24/7/365 availability from anywhere, and much more!

Visit UTHSC QuestionPro and Qualtrics website for more information. 

Need some guidance?  Contact the UTHSC Helpdesk for assistance or to schedule time with Tonya Brown, our Application Support Analyst.  Email or call 901.448.2222.

Application Support

Visit UTHSC Desktop & Web Apps website to see a list of supported applications.

Interested in learning more about one of these tools?  Request a training for yourself or your department! 

Contact for individual or group trainings.

Collaboration with Microsoft 365 

Microsoft 365 includes many tools that encourage collaboration.

This session will demonstrate how to work with your co-workers within Word and PowerPoint, how to share files, and how to use Microsoft Whiteboard to work together in real time. 

As part of the TLC Faculty Webinar series, Tonya Brown explains how to use these tools in our environment. 

Visit Microsoft 365 website to watch the video!

LinkedIn Learning  

LinkedIn Learning provides courses and webinars for you to learn business, creative, and software skills to achieve your professional and personal goals. 

First login into your UTHSC LinkedIn Learning account to access a variety of free courses. 

Get started with the following courses: 

  1. Digital Body Language
  2. How to Manage Feeling Overwhelmed
  3. Learning OneDrive
  4. Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making
  5. Outlook: Efficient Email Management
Visit the UTHSC LinkedIn Learning website for more information.  


Be sure to update Zoom weekly 

Zoom is constantly updating their software, which means that we have to be diligent and update our computers to stay up-to-date. To check for updates on either a Windows or Mac computer, open the desktop app: 

  1. Click your initials or picture in the upper right corner
  2. Click Check for Updates 
  3. Follow the prompts, if necessary, to update your app 

Upgrade today to take advantage of the enhanced security and additional meeting options.  

For more daily tips and information on Zoom, visit the UTHSC Zoom website. 


Malware may hijack your computer’s webcam. If you notice your webcam’s light on, take action immediately. It is always good practice to make sure that your camera is turned off when not in use. Some malware programs will access your computer’s webcam and begin streaming the video without your permission. You can tell whether your webcam is active by looking at the camera’s light; if the camera’s light is on and you are not currently recording, someone else has hijacked your computer. Place a piece of opaque tape over your webcam’s lens immediately and then run a malware scanner to remove the software that is enabling the camera. If it involves a UTHSC owned device, contact the ITS Helpdesk at 901.448.2222 for assistance.

You are a Target – Yes, I Mean YOU!!

A common misconception people have is that they are not a target for cybercrime: that they or their computers do not have any value. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you have a computer, mobile device, an online account, email address, credit card or engage in other type of online activity, you are worth money to cyber criminals. 
Cyber criminals know stealing more credit cards, hacking more bank accounts, or compromising more passwords, the more money they can make. They will attempt to hack anyone connected to the Internet, including you. Hacking millions around the world is surprisingly easy to do with automated tools at their disposal, which requires little effort from the hacker.

Protecting yourself is easy. Just follow some simple guidelines that include:

  • Yourself: Ultimately, you are the first line of defense against any cyber attackers. Common sense is your best defense: if something seems odd, suspicious, or too good to be true, it most likely is an attack.
  • Updating: Make sure that any computer or mobile device you use is fully updated and has all the latest patches. This is not only important for your operating system, but for any applications or plugins you are using.
  • Passwords: Use a strong, unique password for each of your accounts.
  • Credit Cards: Check your financial statements often. As soon as you see any unauthorized transactions on your credit card, report it immediately to your card issuer. If your bank allows you to set email or text message alerts for unusually large or odd transactions, use them for even faster notification of suspicious activity.
  • Social Media: The more information you post online the more likely you may put yourself at risk. Any information you post may actually identify you as a more valuable target.

If you would like more information, please contact the Office of Cybersecurity at

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May 7, 2024