Neighborhood Health Hub Program
Welcome to the UTHSC Health Hubs. We have three locations in Memphis, where health coaches are on staff to assist Memphians by connecting them to vital health care and helping them navigate their journey to better health. Walk-ins are welcome. So are referrals from physicians and other health care providers.
An initiative of University of Tennessee Health Science Center, these neighborhood health and wellness centers are staffed with health coaches. They can screen for diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity as well as for social needs that may be preventing individuals from better health. Importantly, they can connect clients to a primary care doctor within 24 hours and to social services, or get them started in one of our exercise, healthy cooking/eating, smoking cessation, or other classes and support groups and on their way to a healthier lifestyle. Our newest hub, UTHSC Health Hub – Soulsville, has a primary care physician in the office two days a week to offer primary care for adults and children and an Intervention Specialist to address student behavioral health needs.
Why Neighborhood Health Hubs?
Memphis has some of the highest rates of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity in the country. Our Neighborhood Health Hub Program is here to change that.
The program uses the Neighborhood Health Hub Model, a new place-based model to extend primary care into neighborhoods of greatest need. The hubs are located in those neighborhoods, and through health coaches provide support for weight loss, blood pressure control, healthy eating strategies, physical activity, medication adherence, and improvement in quality of life. We also address social determinants of health and facilitate access to essential primary and mental health care. An additional goal is to provide satisfaction and trust in health care, as well as addressing the behavioral causes of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes that result in poor health outcomes.
Diabetes Self-Management Classes
Our health coaches help you manage your diabetes and answer your questions. Visit our Diabetes Self Management Education and Support page for information on classes and to register. The classes are available in person and online at our Health Hubs.
Diabetes Prevention Program
By changing habits now, you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. Visit our Diabetes Prevention Program for information on classes and to register. They are available in person and online at our Health Hubs.
The Power of a Health Coach at UTHSC Health Hub in Memphis
Learn about the UTHSC Health Hub's work by hearing the story of Shirley and how health coaching, healthy cooking classes, and other Health Hub offerings have made a big difference in her health.
Our Three Locations
1122 College Street
Phone: 901-448-0100
534 North Second Street
Phone: 901-448-1956
We also have two new UTExtension Rural Health Hubs
Office of Community Health Engagement
The Office of Community Health Engagement offers several programs in addition to the Neighborhood Health Hub Program that assist underserved and vulnerable populations in navigating the health care system.