Position Descriptions
President: Chris Pitzer
The President serves the student body by voicing CGHS students’ needs in regard to college and campus decisions. This is achieved through representing the CGHS at the Student Government Association Executive Council meetings, CGHS Director’s meeting, and in any other applicable situations. Furthermore, the President will provide a vision for the upcoming term and assign motivated students with responsibilities necessary to complete college goals. The President will serve on all committees alongside the committee chair(s). The President sees that the council has resources to accomplish goals and provides the direction and inspiration necessary for the council’s success.
Vice President: Jessica Halle
The Vice President’s role is to ensure that each council member is aware of their responsibilities and roles in the organization. The Vice President will also help direct committees and will serve as an intermediary between the President and council members when needed. The Vice President will attend meetings with/or in place of the President as needed. The Vice President is in charge of preparing the agenda for meetings and regulating the meeting topics. Finally, the Vice President will stand as President in the case of the President’s absence.
Treasurer: Briar Bell
The Treasurer ensures that GSEC follows the budget and does not incur any unrealized fees or debt. They are the contact person for any financial questions posed by the GSEC council and are responsible for maintaining accounts opened for GSEC purposes. Each committee is responsible for managing and reporting its budget to the council, but any money passed from one committee to another must be approved by the council and officially moved and documented by the Treasurer.
Secretary: Jorden Cunningham
The Secretary keeps minutes from GSEC meetings and clarifies dates and other administrative points as needed. The Secretary is in communication with members of GSEC about all matters pertinent to the study body, assisting the President when asked, and creating and maintaining documents for GSEC. The agenda for each meeting should be sent out to all GSEC members prior to meeting and minutes should be sent out within one week after the meeting. Meeting minutes and notes should be sent out to the student body, when needed, within one week of following the meeting.
Honor Council President: Chelsea DeVaux
The Honor Council Presidents ensures that CGHS students abide by the UTHSC Honor System. The general duties of CGHS Honor Council President are to conduct hearings of alleged violations of the Honor Code; to keep adequate records of all hearings and transfer all case records to the Office of Student Affairs; and to forward findings and recommendations in Honor Code violation proceedings to the Dean of the College. Also, the Honor Council President will be an investigator and advocate for the students if issues arise concerning unfair treatment in class or the laboratory. In this case, the Honor Council President is required to keep the student’s identity private to all GSEC if the student wishes to remain anonymous. The Honor Council President will present the situation to the officers and appropriate track representative(s) and act as a liaison between the student and GSEC. Appropriate records will be kept by the Honor Council President of any student’s grievances.