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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Youngblood, BenCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Jonsson, Colleen BethCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Rock, Charles OCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Russell, CharlieCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Chen,taoshengCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Nelson, David RCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Enemark, Eric J.College of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Masters, Elysia AnneCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryVisiting Scholar
Tuomanen, Elaine ICollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Krenciute, GiedreCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Zambetti, Gerard PCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Cox, John VCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Katze, Jon RCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Opferman, Joseph ThomCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Partridge, JanetCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Rosch, Jason WilliamCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Li, KuiCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Schughart, Klaus JosefCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryVisting Scholar - Prof
Albritton, Lorraine MCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Miller, Mark ACollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Gomes-solecki, MariaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Mcgargill, Maureen AnCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Radic, Marko ZCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Roussel, MartineCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Weiss, Mitchell JCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Li, Nan LCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Jones, Peter DavidCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Rogers, P. DavidCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Thomas, Paul GlyndwrCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Guntaka, Ramareddy VCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Kriwacki, Richard WCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Webby, RichardCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Gottschalk, StephenCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Kundu, SumanCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryInstructor
Nishimoto, Satoru KennethCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Schultz-cherry, StaceyCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Cooper, Terrance GCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Hatch, Thomas PhillipCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Kanneganti, Thirumala-dCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Marion, Tony NCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor Emeritus
Mittag, TanjaCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Pourmotabbed, TayebehCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryProfessor
Feng, YongqiangCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssistant Professor
Kong, YingCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryAssociate Professor
Ravi, YazhiniCollege of Medicine - MemphisMicrobiology, Immunology & BiochemistryVisiting Scholar
May 26, 2022