Hinman Student Research Symposium
The 29th Hinman Student Research Symposium
November 1-3, 2024
Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee
The 29th Annual Hinman Student Research Symposium was held November 1-3, 2024, at the historic Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. The Symposium featured oral and poster presentations of research projects by dental students and graduate trainees from dental schools across North America and Canada. At this year’s Symposium, 117 students represented 49 dental schools in 35 states, the District of Columbia, and two provinces of Canada.
The keynote speaker at the Welcoming Banquet on Friday was Dr. Wenyuan Shi, Chief Executive Officer of the ADA Forsyth Institute. Dr. Shi spoke on “The Emerging Technologies that will Shape the Future of Dentistry”, and how findings from dental research and application of technological advances drastically change the way we treat our dental patients.
Dr. Troy H. Schulman, Immediate-Past President of the Hinman Dental Society, welcomed the participants and presented an overview of the upcoming Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting to be held March 20–22, 2025, in Atlanta. Dr. Schulman along with Dr. Ken Tilashalski, Dean, UTHSC College of Dentistry, participated in presenting awards to the student winners. Fourteen awards (top 10 percent) for the most outstanding student presentations in Basic Science Research and Clinical Research were presented at the Closing Ceremony on Sunday. The quality of the presented research projects was exceptional, and the remaining top three to five students (including tied scores) from each category were awarded Honorable Mentions for Outstanding Presentations in their respective fields.
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