Hilary Nwonuma

Why did you choose UTHSC pharmacy?
I chose UTHSC pharmacy because it is ranked in the Top 17 out of 140 colleges of pharmacy in the country. I had many friends that went to UTHSC pharmacy, so it was always a top choice for me.
Tell us a little bit about your experience in pharmacy school.
My favorite memory of pharmacy school was the APhA-ASP picnic. It was nice getting to know other students and talk to professors while enjoying some good food and music.
How has the UTHSC College of Pharmacy helped or prepared you for your career goals?
The UTHSC College of PHarmacy has prepared me for my career goals by implementing courses such as IPECS and Applied Therapeutics. IPECS is a good course to practice hands-on activities such as learning how to take blood pressure, counseling standardized patients on their medications, learning how to take a med history, and many more. Applied therapeutics allows to students to put what they've learned to the test by providing a plan and recommendations based off patient cases.
What advice do you have for prospective students?
I think prospective students should know that there are many ways for a student to enjoy pharmacy school and to not get bogged down by studying all the time. There are many organizations at the COP where students get to be involved in many events that are both educational and fun as well.