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Applying for Away Rotations

APPROVAL: To receive approval for ANY away rotation, you must complete the Away Elective Rotation Approval Form once you have a confirmed offer. Any resource you may need to complete this process can be found below. If you still have a question, please send them to

NOTE: The form MUST be completed entirely, and all documents uploaded and host institution post decision requirements completed prior to approval being sent to Ms. Anderson.

Military Rotations

Complete the above approval form and include all paperwork you have received. Once you receive your final orders, please forward those to

Non-VSLO Away Rotation/International Elective

Students requesting an away rotation that is not listed in VSLO and non-military must ensure completion of all sections of the above application form for approval. Section I is completed by the student; Section II is to be completed by the corresponding UT Department, i.e. if a surgery rotation, UT surgery chair or designee must complete section II (student’s responsibility to get Section II completed); Section III is completed by the Office of Medical Education; and Section IV is to be completed by the Host institution (the institution you plan to visit). Once completed, this form must be returned to the Office of Medical Education via email to, mailed to 910 Madison Ave, Ste 1031, Memphis, TN, 38163 or fax to 901.448.1488.

Apply for Away Rotations Through VSLO

We use the AAMC’s Visiting Students Learning Opportunities (VSLO) system to allow students to apply for away electives. At the beginning of your M3 Spring semester, you will receive an invite from AAMC to be added to VSLO. You will need to accept this invitation and start your profile as the code expires in 30 days. You may login to AAMC. This access will allow you to explore away rotations and their individual requirements and application dates. You may also save rotations you are interested in to return later to apply. Before you apply, please request your transcript (follow steps in item 1 below to request. The transcript request has a 3-5 business day turn-around time so be sure to request early but not too early as you will need all your core clerkships listed on the transcript.  

Each host school has their own requirements. Some requirements the student must upload to VSLO and other requirements the home institute (UTHSC) uploads. Any home institute requirement will be sent to the VSLO coordinator at your home institute to complete once you submit your application. When the requirement request is received from VSLO, the requirement will be added to your application and your application will be submitted. 

Some requirements that may be requested are listed below with information on how to obtain. Each school has its own list of requirements so you will need to read carefully the requirements posted for your elective and school of interest. If you still have a question, please send them to

  1. Transcript – request VSLO transcript at ERAS/VSLO Transcript Request Form. If there are any issues, please contact the Registrar's Office,, 901.448.2495.

  2. AAMC Immunization form – please download the AAMC Standardized Immunization Form. This can be signed by a medical provider (UHS, your PCP, etc.). Note: all your required immunizations and documentation are uploaded to Qualified First Verified Credentials (QFVC). You can download your documents from QFVC to include with your application, if needed. You may also download the documents to take to UHS or your PCP to review, so they can sign the AAMC form.

  3. Letter of Recommendation (LOR) – please contact a resident, preceptor, research mentor or attending that you may have had a good working relationship with and make the request for a letter of recommendation to be sent to

  4. BLS/ACLS – student should have a copy of his/her current card. If not, student may return to RQI1Stop and login to download a copy. Or to the appropriate vendor if not completed in Memphis.

  5. Respirator Mask Fit card – student should have a copy of his/her card. If not, Ms. Barton can provide a copy.

  6. HIPAA training – student should have printed a completion certificate upon completing this campus training. If not or if student needs an updated certificate, the student may return to Blackboard and follow these steps:
    1. Login to Blackboard with your UT NetID and password
    2. Click on “Courses” and select HIPAA_2024_S
    3. Then select 2024 Mandatory HIPAA training – Students
    4. Click on “HIPAA: 09.Breaches” to begin course
    5. Once the course is completed, you should be able to print a certificate or completion page.

  7. Certificate of Malpractice Insurance/Professional Liability – The Certificate of Malpractice Insurance/Professional Liability policy renews each year in July. If your rotation comes after July, the host institution may require an updated policy. The link will be updated as soon as the new policy is received.

  8. Letter of Good Academic Standing – please request this from at and the letter will be written and signed by the Dean.

  9. OSHA / Bloodborne Pathogens training – You receive this training as part of the preparation to clerkships week. Once you have completed the training in Blackboard, an option to print a certificate will be available. You should have a copy of this certificate. If not, you may return to the course in Blackboard and print it.

  10. Criminal background check – UTHSC will verify a background check completed at matriculation. However, if the host institution is requesting a more recent background check, then you will need to request a background check at your expense through the company of your choice. Note: be sure to order exactly the type of report requested by the host institution.

  11. Drug screening – We do a 10-panel test around mid-February prior to the start of the M3 year. We can attest to a clear screening at that time. However, if the host institution wants a more recent test, students are responsible for providing at their expense a drug screen to requesting schools. Some require a 6 panel and others a 10 panel. Some require a screening within past 6 months and others will accept past 12 months. Be sure of the requirements for the rotation and institute you wish to apply to. UHS may be able to provide this service with an appointment and the student is responsible for the cost.

  12. Board scores – students should have their score reports and may upload these to VSLO.

  13. School Evaluation Form – If you are requested to provide it, the School Evaluation Form may be found  on OLSEN or preferably request it at so the form can be pre-filled to issue correct credit once it is returned.

There may be other items or requirements, so please contact if you have a question.

Evaluations of Away Rotations Other Students Have Attended

UT Student Reviews of Away Electives provides evaluations completed by classmates or previous students on away rotations they have attended. Their experience, positive or negative, is recorded. This information is provided to assist you in deciding which away rotations you may want to attend.


Feb 12, 2025